Binyavanga Wainaina: Can he be trusted near our small boys?


Binyavanga Wainaina: Given the credible research linking homosexuality and paedophilia, which Kenyan parents in their right minds would trust their little boys around this man?

The recent confessions of renowned Kenyan writer Binyavanga Wainana that he’s a homosexual has created a storm. Not surprisingly, his greatest supporters and sympathizers are people resident in western nations. This is likely a result of the gay affirming propaganda that has been awash in those countries for decades.

With some exaggerated bravado, the man has come “out” lashing at all institutions that disagree with his perverted lifestyle, fronting a know-it all attitude in his videos as if everyone is ignorant and stupid unless they subscribe to the homosexual mindsets prevalent in the west. Well, some of us know the truth about homosexuality and we shall continue steadfastly to share the same on any forum that we can.

From this article carried in the Daily Nation of 22nd January, 2014, I was greatly perturbed by Binyavanga’s statements as follows: “A child growing up in this country will meet a homosexual, but you can’t maintain purity by shutting out everything you don’t agree with. This is part of ancient madness,” he said.

Since he has provoked Kenyans to openly discuss his ugly sexual compulsions in that manner, I’m now compelled to raise a disturbing yet profound question regarding the safety of our children, specifically little boys who may cross his path. Going by his frank admission that his homosexual feelings started when he was only five years old after a strange encounter with “a man in overalls” – you can read this bizarre episode here – inevitably Kenyans have to ask themselves: Can Binyavanga Wainaina be trusted near our little boys?

Homosexuality and the sexual abuse of young boys

This is not an idle question as I will shortly demonstrate. The evidence is overwhelming regarding the strong linkages between the homosexual lifestyle and the rampant molestation of young boys. Credible research over the years continues to show this to be a defining characteristic of the homosexual lifestyle’s horrific mode of recruitment. Despite objections by homosexual lobbies and their sympathizers, research in this area continues to show that very often a majority of homosexuals had their own initial same-sex encounter with an adult while children, as Binyavanga frankly confessed.

A review on a research conducted on the molestation of boys (Holmes and Slap, 1998), and published in the prestigious Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), showed that adolescent boys who were sexually abused by men were up to 7 times more likely to identify themselves as homosexual or bisexual later in life. A study by Freund & Watson (1992), which was reported in the Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy, found that “homosexual males were three times more likely than straight men to engage in adult-child sexual relations.”

According to a 2002 study by Steve Baldwin – Child Molestation and the Homosexual Movement – pedophilia occurs far more commonly among homosexuals than among heterosexuals on a per capita basis. “It is difficult to convey the dark side of the homosexual culture without appearing harsh,” wrote Baldwin. “However, it is time to acknowledge that homosexual behavior threatens the foundation of Western civilization – the nuclear family.” The Family Research Council of America supports these findings through the key concept of proportionality in understanding the repugnant phenomena by offering some empirical evidence here.

In addition, Psychiatrist Jeffrey Satinover says in his book Homosexuality and the Politics of Truth, that there is a “substantial, influential, and growing segment of the homosexual community that neither hides nor condemns pedophilia.” The North American Men/Boy Lovers Association (NAMBLA) is a classic example. There was once a lesbian version going by the name “Butterfly Kisses” based in the Netherlands.

Not surprisingly, several prominent homosexuals have agreed with these findings. Writing in a May 1992 publication of The Advocate, a homosexual known as Carl Maves frankly confessed: “How many gay men, I wonder, would have missed out on a valuable, liberating experience – one that initiated them into their sexuality – if it weren’t for this so-called molestation?” The Advocate (established in 1967) is the oldest continuing homosexual magazine in the United States.

Kevin Bishop, an admitted pederast (pedophile), has been promoting the work of NAMBLA in South Africa. Bishop, who was molested at the age of six, is also an admitted homosexual who is blunt about the relationship between homosexuality and pedophilia. “Scratch the average homosexual and you will find a pedophile,” said Bishop in an interview with the Electronic Mail & Guardian (June 30, 1997). According to a 2005 essay by Brian Clowes, PhD., and David Sonnier – Child Molestation by homosexuals and heterosexuals – this candid revelation is shared by homosexual leaders who admit a natural link between their lifestyle and child sexual abuse. Its no wonder Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, a former top adviser to the deposed Pope Benedict XVI, blamed homosexuality not celibacy for the rampant sexual abuse of young boys in the Catholic Church through a widely reported statement to the media.

Abolishing legal barriers to sex with children 

Despite gay activists denial that they want easy access to boys, homosexual groups in the west have over the last decade lobbied hard to not only lower the age of sexual consent laws in their countries, but to abolish them altogether if possible. This has been the tragic reality in secular western nations that continue to affirm so-called “gay rights” with dangerous consequences on the safety of their own children. Believe it or not, a pedophile political party in the Netherlands has aggressively been campaigning for the sexual age of consent to be lowered from 16 to 12 years for boys. The Charity, Freedom and Diversity (NVD) party was launched in 2006 to also push for the legalization of child pornography and sex with animals.

In England, a major campaign is underway to lower the age of sexual consent for homosexuals from 16 to 14. The homosexual organization OutRage! has been leading the crusade. In a statement published on the Queer Intelligence Service website, OutRage! claimed that “under-age queers have rights too. They are some of the most vulnerable members of our community. We have a special responsibility to protect their interests and welfare.”

In America, homosexuals have over the last decade brazenly attempted to gain unfettered access into the Boy Scouts movement of America (BSA). In May 2013, the BSA eventually succumbed to this nefarious campaign after its corporate donors threatened to pull out.  A huge fallout with a majority of its branches has left the BSA limping from that cowardly decision. Many American parents have opted to pull out their boys from an evidently dangerous environment to safeguard their physiological, moral and mental wellbeing.

So back to Binyavanga and his perverted lifestyle. Given the massive well attested research linking homosexuality to the sexual violation of young boys, which Kenyan parents in their right minds would allow their young boys to hang around a literature class taught by Binyavanga?

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93 Responses to “Binyavanga Wainaina: Can he be trusted near our small boys?”

  1. anon Says:

    “Can Binyavanga Wainaina be trusted near our little boys?”
    that is a very narrow-minded!
    should catholics stop going to church coz of the few “rotten priests” who have molested boys over the years?

    what Binyavanga has chosen to do is none of your business raise your kids right and what you choose not to teach them the world will!
    That said i think this whole coming out of the closet thing is not african. We have barely accepted kissing in public let alone discussing heterosexual sex…we are not definitely not ready for gay rights.

    • Tina Sitat Says:

      Prey tell,when will we say we are ready for homosexuals to come out?Kenyans and Africans as a whole are hiding behind this excuse that we are not ready…well am ready,lets deal with this now.

      • Kulikuli Says:

        On August 14, 2013, a federal judge ruled that the case against Scott Lively, by the Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR) on behalf of Sexual Minorities Uganda (SMUG), a Uganda-based coalition of LGBTI rights and advocacy groups, can move forward against him. This is a first-of-its kind case in which the lawsuit alleges that Lively’s actions over the past decade, in collaboration with some Ugandan government officials and Ugandan religious leaders, are responsible for depriving LGBTI Ugandans of their fundamental human rights based solely on their identity, which the lawsuits alleges falls under the definition of persecution under international law amd is a crime against humanity. This effort resulted in the introduction of the Anti-Homosexuality Bill which Lively allegedly helped engineer.[7]

        • Kulikuli Says:

          Dutch alarmed by paedophile group
          By Geraldine Coughlan
          BBC News, The Hague

          A political party with a paedophile agenda has been registered in The Netherlands, prompting outrage among many parts of society.

          The party plans to push for a cut in the legal age for sexual relations to 12 from 16 and for legalisation of child pornography and sex with animals.

          The Charity, Freedom and Diversity (NVD) party says it promotes freedom of speech and will stand in May elections.

          MPs say they will ask the government to do something to stop the new party.

          The Charity, Freedom and Diversity Party says it intends to “shake The Hague awake”.


          The party says its aim is to break taboos and fight intolerance. Its members say they want paedophilia to be freely discussed, arguing that a ban just makes children curious.

          They claim the subject has been a taboo since the 1996 Marc Dutroux child abuse scandal in Belgium.

          They also want to break the “negative” stigma surrounding paedophilia by getting into parliament.

          But the NVD says it is not just a one-issue party. It also wants children from the age of 12 to be able to vote; it promotes the legalisation of hard and soft drugs and free train travel for all.

          • truthsay3r Says:

            It is good to hear that Scott Lively may be prosecuted for what he has done but the relevance of your second comment here is unclear.

            Harrison et al. 2010, Social Legal Studies, 19(4), 481-496:
            “The tendency for the subject of paedophilia to generate strong opinions rather than facts (Musk et al., 1997) can be problematic for offenders, practitioners, and, by implication, society more generally.”

  2. judykibinge Says:

    What a daft article. Are you guys mentally challenged? Pedophile and perverts are quite different from Homosexuals.

  3. Blake Says:

    @anon…With all due respect did you read the article or did you just weigh in with your pre-conceived and uninformed biases?

    Lets start with this obnoxious statement: “what Binyavanga has chosen to do is none of your business….”

    So why did he tell the whole world how he prefers to have sex if its none of my business? The moment you tell the public what you do in your bedroom, it becomes a public matter. And more so if the behaviour poses a severe danger to the rest of society as homosexuality does.

    We may raise our kids right but it would be foolish and reckless of any parent to expose them to potential sexual abuse. The research I’ve shared is undeniable regarding homosexuals and their tendency to target young boys!

    • CommonSense Says:

      “So why did he tell the whole world how he prefers to have sex if its none of my business?”
      -He’s being honest about his sexual orientation and that’s very brave of him. Quite very few people would have the balls to admit something so socially unacceptable in Kenya. That being said, he is more a man than any of u people who had the luck to be born socially acceptable, yet u resent him for willing to live his life on his own terms and giving others the chance to notice that homosexuals are normal people like him. Just because you don’t like it, that doesn’t mean he has to hide it like it is some sort of crime against anyone. U sound possibly like a closeted homo who wants to condemn him for being more real and courageous than u.

    • CommonSense Says:

      “So why did he tell the whole world how he prefers to have sex if its none of my business? The moment you tell the public what you do in your bedroom, it becomes a public matter.”
      – He told the public cause at least people need to accept that homosexuality exists and it’s not something to be afraid of. Also, telling the public what he does (or he doesn’t) in his privacy shouldn’t make it a public concern at all. Even if he has a male lover, that is none of your bussiness, neither he should hide it (same way straight people don’t hide their relationships or make it someone’s else bussiness).

      “And more so if the behaviour poses a severe danger to the rest of society as homosexuality does.”
      -His homosexual life doesn’t pose any danger to u or anyone in your society. Au contraire, he is the the one that faces a severe threat from shitty people like u. Have u heard of Eric Ohena Lembembe: a very well known Cameroon gay rights activist who was murdered in a very horrific way for being not only honest about himself, but also considerate of people like him being treated as hell.

    • CommonSense Says:

      “We may raise our kids right but it would be foolish and reckless of any parent to expose them to potential sexual abuse. The research I’ve shared is undeniable regarding homosexuals and their tendency to target young boys!”
      – If u think that all gays and lesbians are pedophiles and straights, in total, are all innocents with no pedophile tendencies, then u r utterly stupid. U may not be able to differentiate a gay person from a pedophile, but even u should be smart enough to realize that being attracted to men is very different from being attracted to little boys, same way being attracted to women is different from being attracted to little girls. The empirical research does not show that gay or bisexual men are any more likely than heterosexual men to molest children. This is not to argue that homosexual and bisexual men never molest children. But there is no scientific basis for asserting that they are more likely than heterosexual men to do so. Also, many child molesters cannot be characterized as having an adult sexual orientation at all; they are fixated on children regardless gender.

      Let’s suppose there was a study that proves that straight men are many times more likely to be rapists or killers (which makes sence to people who consider gays to be more sensitive). Would that mean anything? If not, why not yours too?
      Even if your “research” had the slightest truth in it, are straight pederasts so many in proportion among straights, to the point that every gay person is certainly a pederast? Do u mean “I condemn u for having a 7 percent chance of being a pedophile, whereas i have myself only 1 percent chance to be one”? HOW DUMB R U THINKING THAT WAY?

    • truthsay3r Says:

      YOU WROTE: “The research I’ve shared is undeniable regarding homosexuals and their tendency to target young boys!”

      The research you’ve shared is research which I have already fully countered on other blogg posts of yours here & which you have neglected to respond to. This strongly suggests that you don’t care about the truth & simply wish to promote lies.

      Groth et al. 1978, Archives Of Sexual Behavior, 7(3), 175-181:
      “All regressed offenders, whether their victims were male or female children, were heterosexual in their adult orientation.”
      “The possibility emerges that homosexuality and homosexual pedophilia may be mutually exclusive and that the adult heterosexual male constitutes a greater risk to the underage child than does the adult homosexual male.”

      • MeetKenyans Nairobi Says:

        That is an outrageous lie. If a male heterosexual molests a male little boy, that not only makes him a paedophile, it also makes him a homosexual. Get your facts straight or you might be suspected of being a homosexual/paedophile yourself.

        • CommonSense Says:

          You seriously seem to lack simple, rational thinking so i’m gonna make it as simple as possible, so your little tween-retarded-mind may understand it:

          If an adult male molests either a little boy OR a little girl, that makes him a pedophile.

          The argument u just provided is as good as identifying some guy who molests underage girls as heterosexual.

          It’s like talking about bestiality but yet focusing on the gender of the animal being abused, confusing that way bestiality with heterosexuality because the animal is of the opposite sex.

          As far as someone abuses sexually children, whatever the gender of the victim or the victimizer, it makes no sense arguing about either sexuality, religious beliefs, ethnicity or anything which is not bad on its own.

          (Otherwise what’s the point of using an example of pedophilia to condemn same sex attraction which has nothing to do with AGE???)

          No true pedophile is attracted to adults, so neither homosexuality nor heterosexuality applies.

          I seriously wonder if u are the kind of person that thinks heterosexual rape & heterosexual child abuse are not blameworthy because little girls are less than children.
          Should i suspect you to be a heterosexual pedophile?

          After all, according to RAINN and the Rape Chrisis Center,
          1) among all rape victims, 9 out of 10 are FEMALE and
          2) Girls ages 16-19 are 4 times more likely than the general population to be victims of sexual assault.

          Whereas trusay3r cites facts along with their sources in his comments, u ignorantly confused pedophilia with homosexuality (which are as much connected to one another as bestiality to heterosexuality) and failed to explain what’s wrong with homosexuality when there is no pedophilia involved.

          According to the American Psychological Association, “homosexual men are not more likely to sexually abuse children than heterosexual men are.” Gregory Herek, a professor at the University of California, Davis, who is one of the nation’s leading researchers on prejudice against sexual minorities, reviewed a series of studies and found no evidence that gay men molest children at higher rates than heterosexual men.

          Anti-gay activists who make that claim allege that all men who molest male children should be seen as homosexual. But research by A. Nicholas Groth, a pioneer in the field of sexual abuse of children, shows that is not so. Groth found that there are 2 types of child molesters: fixated and regressive. The fixated child molester — the stereotypical pedophile — cannot be considered homosexual or heterosexual because “he often finds adults of either sex repulsive” and often molests children of both sexes. Regressive child molesters are generally attracted to other adults, but may “regress” to focusing on children when confronted with stressful situations. Groth found, as Herek notes, that the majority of regressed offenders were heterosexual in their adult relationships.

          See more at


    • CommonSense Says:

      Let’s answer your question again.

      U SAY: “So why did he tell the whole world how he prefers to have sex if its none of my business? The moment you tell the public what you do in your bedroom, it becomes a public matter.”

      The following song answers your silly query and i want to dedicate it to the award-winning Kenyan writer and journalist, Binyavanga Wainaina, a truly brave and gifted man who in April 2014, Time magazine included him in its annual TIME 100 as one of the “Most Influential People in the World.”

      Wainaina declared that he would continue to visit Nigeria, despite homosexuality carrying a 14-year prison sentence there and he is a kenyan man who came out publicly in homophobic Africa.

      Therefore this great man has huge cojones for doing so and he is solid proof that being gay doesn’t make you less graceful, elegant, kind, brilliant or less of a hero and a good person whatsoever.

      As for you, Blake, you should be ashamed of yourself and all the lies, the false statistics & claims and the dirt you throw on such a great person. You’ve got quite a nerve trashing him considering that you are not even half the man or the decent person he is. U should be sued and prosecuted for the defamation of Binyavanga and all the hateful, gay-bashing verbal abuse you commit. You are a criminal, a modern-day witch-hunter.

      Given that you like abusing statistics, how about you play with these ones:

      1)According to a 2013 report released by the United States Federal Bureau of Prisons, which looks at all the federally run prisons in the U.S. — that makes up about 218,000 prisoners — and the inmates’ religious affiliations. About only 0.07 percent of prisoners identify as atheists .

      2)93 percent of the members of the National Academy of Sciences, one of the most elite scientific organizations in the US, do not believe in God.

      And for ones in your pathetic life, open a fucking dictionary and figure out the difference between pedophiles and homosexuals. The one is about abusing children and the other is about same sex relationships. The one is about age and the other about gender. The one is about seduction and exploitation whereas the other is about consenting adults, lifetime commitment and love between equals.

      In reality, abuse of boys by gay pedophiles is rare, and the abuse of girls by lesbians is rarer still. Nicholas Groth is a noted authority on this topic. In a 1982 study Groth writes:

      “Are homosexual adults in general sexually attracted to children, and are pre-adolescent children at greater risk of molestation from homosexual adults than from heterosexual adults? There is no reason to believe so. The research to date all points to there being no significant relationship between a homosexual lifestyle and child molestation.”

      According to the American Psychological Association, “homosexual men are not more likely to sexually abuse children than heterosexual men are.” Gregory Herek, a professor at the University of California, Davis, who is one of the nation’s leading researchers on prejudice against sexual minorities, reviewed a series of studies and found no evidence that gay men molest children at higher rates than heterosexual men.

      The Child Molestation Research & Prevention Institute notes that 90% of child molesters target children in their network of family and friends, and the majority are men married to women. Most child molesters, therefore, are not gay people lingering outside schools waiting to snatch children from the playground, as much religious-right rhetoric suggests.

  4. Blake Says:


    Really? So your brilliant approach here is to completely ignore the research and the evidence, and then somehow expect that your personal opinion is suddenly more authoritative than years of medical studies into the subject?

    Sorry, I choose to go with concrete scientific data that overwhelmingly exposes most homosexuals to be the tragic products of sexual abuse as young boys, and the vicious cycle continues when they in turn are likely to abuse other little boys if given half a chance.

    More powerfully, I go with the clear admission by prominent homosexual leaders such as Carl Maves who frankly confessed: “How many gay men, I wonder, would have missed out on a valuable, liberating experience – one that initiated them into their sexuality – if it weren’t for this so-called molestation?”

    And the other compelling confession by Kevin Bishop who unequivocally says: “Scratch the average homosexual and you will find a pedophile.”

    I’m pretty sure these fellows have much more experience and knowledge in all matters homosexual compared to you. Kenyan parents for the sake of their little boys, would be better off taking to heart these frank confessions when assessing Binyavanga Wainaina.

    • CommonSense Says:

      “So your brilliant approach here is to completely ignore the research and the evidence, and then somehow expect that your personal opinion is suddenly more authoritative than years of medical studies into the subject? ”
      – Actually u r the one going against your own sayings. All your ancient researches have been rationally disproved and debunked long time ago by actual medical studies and u expect your personal opinion to be more authoritative than years of scientific research into the subject. U ignore the truth when it doesn’t agree with your bigoted opinion accepting every falsy misbelief u can get.

    • CommonSense Says:

      “Sorry, I choose to go with concrete scientific data that overwhelmingly exposes most homosexuals to be the tragic products of sexual abuse as young boys, and the vicious cycle continues when they in turn are likely to abuse other little boys if given half a chance.”
      -Concrete scientific data? U r as delusional as u can get when u assume that every gay or bisexual person was sexually abused ever. Any scientific research (or even empirical evidence) proves with no doubt that this is not the case for the majority of the gay, lesbian or bisexual population which is usually born in a very religious family that disowns them when they come out of the closet. Gays and lesbians can be found in any type of family anywhere, and there are quite obvious cases that diprove the probability of them being abused ever by anyone and when they engage in homosexual acts never consider the recruitment of others (adults or minors). Even when u use the words “likely”, u admit that not every gay person is attracted to children, whereas u blame all of them on being that. If that’s not a hypocrisy, then what is it?
      Your allegations are pure science fiction crap with no studies existing (even your kind of studies) proving that.

    • CommonSense Says:

      “More powerfully, I go with the clear admission by prominent homosexual leaders such as Carl Maves who frankly confessed: “How many gay men, I wonder, would have missed out on a valuable, liberating experience – one that initiated them into their sexuality – if it weren’t for this so-called molestation?”
      – So the allegations or confessions of any straight or gay leader out there being sexuallly abused ever define every straight or gay person as well? I just can find a word to describe u, so i let it slide.
      I made my point and u made a fool of yourself.

      “Kenyan parents for the sake of their little boys, would be better off taking to heart these frank confessions when assessing Binyavanga Wainaina”
      -If u r so worried about pedophiles, why u attack gays and lesbians but not pedophiles? What’s your play on gays, lesbians and bisexuals that have no sexual attraction to children? What makes u so sure that all gays are attracted to minors? Do u think that applies to lesbians as well? What about the misconception u spread that children are safe around all straight people and little girls are not to worry about?
      1 last question : why do u say such obvious lies and nonsences in your posts? Seems like all those people, saying that africans have smaller brain capacity than white people, have some fair points eventually, but i could swear i know some exceptions.

  5. Dig Says:

    Hongera Binyavanga Wainaina! Truly a courageous Kenyan and like Lupita, a great global representative for the progress of the Kenyan people. I get the sense that this article is written by an elderly person or a religious lunatic..maybe both given that you reference Scott Lively aka the deranged evangelical who imported systemic homophobia to naive Africans.

    It’s shameful that you feel the need to denounce Obama at the expense of the conservative pundits who are nostalgic about the good ole days when women couldn’t vote, gays couldn’t marry, and blacks were chained.

    As a young Kenyan, I’m glad that we are moving forward in social matters. I’m a straight guy in university and I’ve met Kenyans who are gay, all of whom have been incredible people. The people who have an issue with this type of diversity are insecure of their own sexuality. I was born straight, others are born gay, bi, trans, and in between. get over it. live and let live.

  6. Culio Says:

    This article is dumb. Stretches truths and grasps at straws. This is 7mins of my life i can never get back.

  7. Njeri Says:

    absolute waste of the three seconds i used to skim through and thirty seconds am using to type this!!! why did you bother learn to write and if your reasoning is still that of a neanderthal!

    • Nyaguthii Says:

      wow I can’t believe I actually read this article. I’ve done it so late but I still feel like I wasted my time and internet. this person is so narrow minded I can’t even believe they let him have a blog.. Total waste of the freedom of expression

  8. Nyala Says:

    Too bad you all don’t have the same horror at the sexual abuse of girls by men. But that kind of abuse you find natural, acceptable, cultural and good.

  9. jackson otieno Says:

    All I have to do is copy paste…

    5 years after the American Psychiatric Association ( APA) removed ego-syntonic (comfortable with orientation) homosexuality from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), Garfinkle and Morin asked some psychotherapists to evaluate a patient’s description(1). Some were told that the patient was a homosexual and others were told that the patient was a heterosexual. Psychotherapists described the homosexual patient as more severely mentally ill.

    It may be argued that the participants in Garfinkle and Morin’s study were still influenced by the fact that only a short time ago homosexuality was classified as a mental disorder. However, 20 years after the APA declassified homosexuality as a mental illness, Rubinstein repeated Garfinkle and Morin’s study and found similar results(2). Rubinstein’s subjects were 417 predominantly secular, politically liberal, and young psychotherapists who had never been acquainted with the old versions of the DSM.

    Both results turned out to be inconsistent with the declared attitude of psychotherapists regarding homosexual patients,3, 4 or the official position of the APA(5, 6) In addition, Rubinstein reported that a survey of psychological literature revealed the declaration of psychologists that nonpatient homosexuals are not less well-adjusted than heterosexuals,(7, 8, 9) or even that homosexuals are better adjusted than heterosexuals(10, 11). Some psychotherapists declare that homophobia is the problem that should be treated(12, 13)

    1.^ Garfinkle EM, Morin SF. Psychologists’ attitudes toward homosexual psychotherapy clients. J Soc Issues 1978;34:101-12.
    2.^ Rubinstein G. The decision to remove homosexuality from the DSM: twenty years later. Am J Psychother 1995;49(3):416-27.
    3.^ Gartell N, Kraemer H, Brodie HK. Psychiatrists’ attitudes toward female homosexuality. J Nerv Men Dis 1974;159:141-44.
    4.^ Martin A. Some issues in the treatment of gay and lesbian patients. Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice 1982;19:341-48.
    5.^ DSM III-R: American Psychiatric Association, 1987.
    6.^ DSM-III: American Psychiatric Association, 1980.
    7.^ Bell A, Weinberg M. Homosexualities: a study of diversities among men and women. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1978.
    8.^ Hooker E. The adjustment of the male overt homosexual. J Projective Techniques 1957;21:18-31.
    9.^ Rosen DH. Lesbianism: A study of female homosexuality. Springfield, IL: Charles C. Thomas, 1974.
    10.^ Hopkins JH. The lesbian personality. Br J Psychiatry 1969;115:1433-6.
    11.^ Henry WE, Sims JH, Spray SL. The fifth profession: becoming a therapist. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1971.
    12.^ Hyde JS. Understanding human sexuality., 3rd ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1986.
    13.^ Silberman BO, Hawkin O. Lesbian women and gay men: Issues for counseling. In: Weinstein E, Rosen E, eds. Sexuality counseling: Issues and implications. Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks/Cole, 1988;101-338.

    NB: Kenyans against homosexuality?! you would think there is a Kenyans for homosexuality.

    • truthsay3r Says:

      @jackson otieno
      While you may lazily copy and paste, I’ll actually do some work and look in to your sources. Reference 1 was NOT an evaluation of homosexuals mental state but actually, as the name of the study suggests, an evaluation of the psychiatrist’s prejudices. Here is a quote from the study itself “Participants were assigned case histories where the hypothetical client was a heterosexual male, heterosexual female, homosexual male, or homosexual female”. Note it was a HYPOTHETICAL client/case history.

      Your reference 2, which as you note, is a repeat of the first experiment was actually on Israeli Psychiatrists, again evaluating whether or not they exhibited prejudice, again with HYPOTHETICAL case histories. Here is a quote from the study “Participants were assigned case histories where a hypothetical patient was heterosexual or ego-syntonic homosexual.”

    • truthsay3r Says:

      @jackson otieno
      References 3-13 simply note that the social sciences attempt to avoid prejudicial judgements/ aren’t anti-gay etc. So in summary, your only 2 relevant sources are 1 & 2 and they were on psychiatrist’s prejudice… using fictional characters, not on actual homosexuals. When you just copy & paste, the intellectual laziness with which you spread prejudiced misinformation is apparent to all. Please let me know your source.

      A couple of other studies; Thompson et al. 1971, Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 78(2), 237-240:
      “Homosexuals did not differ in important ways from heterosexuals in defensiveness (and) personal adjustment”.

      Marvin Siegelman, 1972, Archives of Sexual Behavior, 2(1), 9-25:
      “For the total samples, the homosexuals, compared to the heterosexuals, described themselves as less well adjusted on four scales, better adjusted on three scales, and not different on six scales.”

  10. Jim Says:

    Actually most of the research you cite in this article has been debunked by REAL research! And yes, I am an academic whose specialization is gender and sexuality studies.

  11. frank malaba Says:

    I Am A Gay African…

    I am like the wind, even though you don’t see me and pretend you don’t feel me, I blow through your thoughts and your neatly packed culture and picture perfect life. I challenge what you deem hetero-norm. I have a voice. I cannot be ignored. I will not be ignored. I am in every family. I am born of every African womb. I suckle every African breast. I am born gay and ever beautiful in every way known to man. I Am African… and I Am Gay.

    Frank Malaba © 2010

    Binyavanga Wainana is my hero. This continent needs more like this. This is one of the most stupid articles I’ve ever half read. The energy that goes into writing this Shit is the energy that should be used to eradicate hate crime in this continent. Shame on you, Kenya.

    • MeetKenyans Nairobi Says:

      Sorry, you and no other was ever born homosexual, you choose that lifestyle for one reason or the other. You preach fallacy to suit your lost argument. You have no idea the origins of being a homosexual paedophile even comes from.

      • CommonSense Says:

        Modern science cannot state conclusively what causes sexual orientation, but a great many studies suggest that it is the result of both biological & environmental forces, not a personal “choice.

        A 2008 Swedish study of twins (the world’s largest twin study) published in The Archives of Sexual Behavior concluded that “homosexual behaviour is largely shaped by genetics and random environmental factors. Dr. Qazi Rahman, study co-author and a leading scientist on human sexual orientation, said: “This study puts cold water on any concerns that we are looking for a single ‘gay gene’ or a single environmental variable which could be used to ‘select out’ homosexuality — the factors which influence sexual orientation are complex. And we are not simply talking about homosexuality here — heterosexual behaviour is also influenced by a mixture of genetic and environmental factors.” In other words, sexual orientation in general — whether homosexual, bisexual or heterosexual — is a mixture of genetic and environmental factors.

        The American Psychological Association (APA) states that sexual orientation “ranges along a continuum,” and acknowledges that despite much research into the possible genetic, hormonal, social and cultural influences on sexual orientation, scientists have yet to pinpoint the precise causes of sexual orientation. Regardless, the APA concludes that “most people experience little or no sense of choice about their sexual orientation.” In 1994, the APA noted that “homosexuality is not a matter of individual choice” and that research “suggests that the homosexual orientation is in place very early in the life cycle, possibly even before birth.”

        The American Academy of Pediatrics stated in 1993 (updated in 2004) that “homosexuality has existed in most societies for as long as recorded descriptions of sexual beliefs and practices have been available” and that even at that time, “most scholars in the field state that one’s sexual orientation is not a choice … individuals do not choose to be homosexual or heterosexual.”

        There are questions about what specifically causes sexual orientation in general, but most current science acknowledges that it is a complex mixture of biological, environmental, and possibly hormonal factors but that no one chooses an orientation.




  12. Paul Mussy Says:

    Well judging from the wacky responses from a certain Brian the article and research it quotes from are just plain stupid. Ain’t nobody got no time for that

  13. Paul Mussy Says:

    Well judging from the wacky responses from a certain Blake the article and research it quotes from are just plain stupid. Ain’t nobody got no time for that

  14. Mswahili Says:

    Just read some moment here, Binyavanga should not make his homosexuality public cause noone talks about there sexual habits anyway……
    Well there is more to homosexuality than just the sex. Like any other human, the need for companionship not just in bed, security, health….are important. Being closeted means you cannot be you. It limits what you can achieve in life and the mental anguish cannot be over stated. Walking down the street holding hands, bring the person you love to meet ur family, the fright of losing your job, the rights to proper medical care are some of the problems we try to address by coming out. Homosexuality is not about the sex, if it was just about the sex. Trust me dont think there is a limitation to gay sex that happens between consenting individuals. What gay people do not have is an equal platform on perhaps most of the other rights others have in society.

  15. Ivy Gatibaru Says:

    Having said that we should keep our young boys away from homosexual men, does it also apply that our daughters should be kept away from heterosexual men??? After all, pedophiles are not just pedophiles because they sleep with young boys but because they have sex with underage children. Are you implying that all pedophiles are homosexuals? Or that all homosexuals are pedophiles? Because in both accusations you are clearly misinformed.

    • MeetKenyans Nairobi Says:

      Ivy, you make a good point, and reading the comments the main concern seems to be boys being abused. All homosexuals are paedophiles, one does not have to touch a child to be a paedophile.

      Coming out in the public eye and or teaching sexuality to children is paedophilia, not sex education. Yes some heterosexuals are paedophiles, and if they molest the same sex that is under age, that means they to are homosexual.

      • CommonSense Says:

        U SAY: “All homosexuals are paedophiles”

        -WRONG!!! That and “all heteros are not pedophiles” are both wrong. There are homosexuals that are only attracted to older guys, homosexuals that are attracted only to people of the same age as them, homosexuals that loathe any sexual activity involving children, homosexuals that get irritated (annoyed) by the very presence of children and so on.

        Your argument is a blatant lie, it is opposed by all major professional mental health organizations, it is completely unfounded based on scientific and empirical evidence that disprove & debunk any false link between homosexuality and pedophilia.

        U SAY: “and if they molest the same sex that is under age, that means they to are homosexual.”

        – Again WRONG, because pedophiles tend to be indifferent to the gender of the children. Also, many child molesters cannot be characterized as having an adult sexual orientation at all; they are fixated on children.

        As ivy tried to explain to u, pedophilia, which is attraction to extreme youth, exists on people with various sexual orientations. Just like heterosexuality, homosexuality by definition has nothing to do with pedophilia and that’s the very reason your argument falls apart:

        exactly because a homosexual (as well as a heterosexual) is very unlikely to be a pedophile too, you are WAY misinformed regarding your accusations. No wonder u can’t cite a single valid accusation against gays that cannot be applied to heterosexual pedophiles as well.

        Yes child molestation is bad, everybody agrees on that, but u haven’t presented an argument against homosexuality which most usually takes place between consenting adults or same-age peers. If homosexuality was the problem, u should had been able to use an argument that applies even when there is no pedophilia involved (which is the most possible, most usual case).

        I don’t know what kind of bs u were talking about in reference to sex ed but i’m pretty sure u have no idea what u were talking about either in your effort to promote lies about some “imaginary-gay-western-indoctrination”. It’s a good thing u are a terrible liar.

  16. hatersandfools Says:

    What the writer and the “scientistic evidence” his lot of religiously or “morally” inclined researchers commonly ignore is the fact that real science always embraces new facts to correct false perceptions without hesitation. However, facts are considered to be unbiased and provable more than just once or by one individual. If you google the quoted authors you will easily see that they have no standing in the scientific community whatsoever. So why not just stand for what the name of this blog already suggests and just say you don’t like homosexuals, period. Fraudulent studies are only weakening your point and exposing you as a propagandist.

    • truthsay3r Says:

      It is almost always the case that studies are misrepresented btw, rather than the researchers themselves being biased, though that is not impossible or unprecedented. Typically heterosexists use studies to reach fallacious conclusions which the authors themselves didn’t and wouldn’t reach and quite often which they in fact explicitly rejected.

  17. Joss Says:

    So glad that most of the Africans commenting on this are disgusted by this hateful, hateful article. May B. Wainaina live long.

  18. savechildren Says:

    Blake, I agree with you and everything you’ve written in this article.
    Homosexuals should be kept away from children. Their is an
    organization in the US, NAMBLA, who promote sex between old perverts and young boys and men.

    • CommonSense Says:

      There are also many international organisations that promote sex between old pervs and young girls and women (it’s called human trafficking, idiot), so heterosexuals are higly dangerous and should be kept away from children big time. R U NUTS? There are many cases of old straight guys molesting little girls (more than gays actually as straight people are the majority). Even if a homosexual is a little more likely to be a pedophile (which has been disproved) being a minority of the minority, a pedophile per se is quite more likely to be straight, being a minority of the majority. Use your brains properly!

  19. savechildren Says:

    You did mention NAMBLA in the article. And not one of the pro-
    homosexual poster’s mentioned a word about them. Only attack and call you a liar. Even though your article is thoroughly sourced.

    • truthsay3r Says:

      I’ve thoroughly refuted the same claims/sources on another of his blogg posts & he has failed to respond. Here is the link and a quote from the first part of one of my comments which you can Ctrl F to get to:
      “Anecdotes from paedophiles who”

      How homosexuality destroys society and families: Part 2 – Sexual abuse of children

      Feel free to reply to this comment, quoting any of his sources & its use & I will happily refute it. What is the relevance of NAMBLA? It is now defunct from what I’ve heard… which just goes to show how little support it had… from anywhere. It doesn’t seem to be anything to do with LGBT people. This blogger tries to use anecdotal evidence to support a link… which is ridiculous. Look it up if you don’t know what I mean.

  20. truthsay3r Says:

    I’ve already refuted your attempt to link homosexuality with molestation on other blogg posts of yours… and you have failed to address these. Anybody who wants me to address a particular study, just reply to this comment and let me know.

    YOU WROTE: “had their own initial same-sex encounter with an adult while children, as Binyavanga frankly confessed.”

    Apparently a lie. What he actually says, using your own source is: “I have never touched a man sexually”. The encounter with a man when he was 5 was simply his realisation of his homosexual attractions.

    Carole Jenny et al. 1994, Pediatrics, 94(1), 41-44:
    “A child’s risk of being molested by his or her relative’s heterosexual partner is 100 times greater than by someone who might be identified as a homosexual”.

    • MeetKenyans Nairobi Says:


      • CommonSense Says:

        U are indeed full of homophobic rubbish. No wonder u respond with such void, meaningless, intellectually low-level respond with no justification at all to a perfectly constructed and articulated, with scientific sources, comment by truthsay3r.

        Just uttering 1 improper world is lazy, dumb, petty (namely,pretty much representative to your twisted understanding of “same-sex-uality”, if it is too impossible for you to comprehend the difference between a matter of gender and a matter of age)

        If u take an opposite sex couple of consenting adults and, theoretically speaking, change the gender (but not the age) of 1 of them, that is not pedophilia or abusive but is still HOMOSEXUALITY.

        If u take a sex criminal who at the moment is victimizing a little boy, save the kid but let him sexually abuse a little girl, that may be heterosexuality, but it is still pedophilia, abusive, namely wrong.


  21. Addy Says:

    Dear blogger, whoever you are, you seriously need to get your facts right. All I can say is that you are the one who actually needs corrective therapy. Have you at any point of your blogging ‘career’, that all you blog about is homosexuals? are you that obsessed with them? Did a homosexual hurt you? Does a homosexual knock on your door every night disrupting your sleep? Does a homosexual often take your meals?
    Do homosexuals stand in line asking to make love on your bed?

  22. savechildren Says:

    Homosexuals make up less than 3% of the population yet account for 1/3 of all child molestation. A fact homosexuals can’t deny so they bring up heterosexuals as a way to deflect. The topic is homosexuals who want to put themselves in a position to interact with other people’s children. Children are not produced through homosexual acts therefore there is no reason for them to even come into contact with other peoples children. Also NAMBLA is alive
    and well and enjoy tax exempt status. But the homosexual agenda
    is built on lies and deception.

    Larry Brinkin former commissioner for the Human Rights Campaign did to children which proves homosexuals are not only child predators but also racist. And man, boy,sex Pederasty, is at the center of the homosexual agenda.

    “We have an agenda to create a society in which homosexuality is regarded as

    Homosexual advocates love children and are also racist?

    Some pro homosexual groups actually support older adults having sexual relations with children and advised parents not to interfere. However, the homosexual puppet masters, like HRC, are curtailing that until homosexual “marriage” is national. So yes, children are targeted. There is one high level member of that movement that could not wait:

    “Brinkin retired from the Human Rights Commission in 2010, and has been a beloved member of the gay community, with the Board of Supervisors even declaring the first week of February as “Larry Brinkin Week.” At the time of his retirement, he earned more than $135,000 yearly.”

    “According to the search warrant, SFPD acted after receiving a tip from the Los Angeles Police Department, which obtained from AOL an e-mail exchange between a Los Angeles user and zack3737 (AOL domain). Police say they linked the AOL address to Brinkin’s IP address; he is owner of the account and paid for AOL service with his credit card.”

    “The warrant claims these e-mails contained images of children as young as perhaps a year old being sodomized by and performing oral sex on adult men. Zack3737 (AOL domain) — whom the police allege is Brinkin — provided graphic commentary on the photos of interracial adult-child sex. Comments included “I loved especially the (N word) 2 year old getting nailed. Hope you’ll continue so I can see what the little blond (B word) is going to get. White Power! White Supremacy! White (D word) Rules!””

    And they want to form a family.”

    Can you rationalize what this piece of filth did, Can you explain away the vile despicable acts he committed against babies? He not the exception he’s the norm.

    • CommonSense Says:

      “Homosexuals make up less than 3% of the population yet account for 1/3 of all child molestation.”
      -In the least homophobic countries (yet still homophobic), 4.5 % of population identifies as gay or lesbian while the majority of homosexuals hides their sexual orientation. If the rest of your argument is true, THEN STRAIGHT PEOPLE ACCOUNT FOR 2/3 OF ALL CHILD MOLESTATIONS.

      “The topic is homosexuals who want to put themselves in a position to interact with other people’s children.”
      -You still confuse gays with pedophiles and pedophiles with gays. A pedophile can be either gay or straight, and a straight (or gay) man has very few odds to be pedophiliac. U simply cannot accuse every people attracted to the same sex that they are attracted to children as well. That’s just an obvious lie.

      “Children are not produced through homosexual acts therefore there is no reason for them to even come into contact with other peoples children.”
      – That is as reasonable as disallowing infertile people to come into contact with other people’s children. Homosexuals by definition are not attracted to children. Pedophiles are.

      “Also NAMBLA is alive and well and enjoy tax exempt status. But the homosexual agenda is built on lies and deception.”
      -NAMBLA is a pedophiliac organisation, not a gay one. Homosexuals oppose pedophilia same way straight people do, regardless if the victim is a little girl or a little boy. Also there are more straight pedophiles out there than gay ones. U quote NAMBLA? I quote Arbeitskreis Päderastie-Pädophilie (APF), which is a primarily heterosexual pedophile organisation. I quote human trafficking that throws little girls into drugs and slavery. Pedophiles attack children, homosexuals …. no-one. Gays engage consentual sex with one another. They don’t hurt anyone when they are all adults.

      “Larry Brinkin former commissioner for the Human Rights Campaign did to children which proves homosexuals are not only child predators but also racist. And man, boy,sex Pederasty, is at the center of the homosexual agenda.”
      -Screw Larry Brinkin, there is no such thing as “homosexual agenda”. Homosexuals engage in sexual acts with ADULTS of the same sex, pedophile engage in sexual acts with MINORS. Those are 2 different things, idiot!

      The warrant claims these e-mails contained images ….. And they want to form a family.”
      -Those pedophiles, u fucking moron, never wanted to form a family. A real parent (whether gay or straight) will never even consider to sexualise his relationship with his kids (whether they are blood related or adopted, whether they are male or female etc). There are hundreds of thousands of kids being raised by same sex couples and the data prove they are doing a great job. Blaming gays for pedophiliac acts is as rational as blaming africans for HIV spreading (HIV originates from chimpanzees that carry the virus in a non lethal form. After africans hunting them made contact to the virus, it mutated through humans and bacame what it is. Africans did spread it to the western world through immigration and now some idiots try to convince us that africa bacame so HIV-positive from pedophile sex tourists. YEAH, RIGHT.)

      “He not the exception he’s the norm.”
      -U r utterly wrong and stupid. U simply ignore that there are homosexuals that have never expressed any attraction to childrens, neither supported pedophiles, nor proved to harm or abuse children at all. Au contraire, there are many studies and data proving the well being of children being raised by same sex parents.
      I was hoping i wouldn’t have to dignify such hateful, stupid, truth twisting comments with a respond, but it’s really impossible to endure such filthy lies about all gays somehow being pederasts (yet making no reference on lesbians as well). Get your “facts” straight.

    • truthsay3r Says:

      YOU WROTE: “Homosexuals make up less than 3% of the population yet account for 1/3 of all child molestation. A fact homosexuals can’t deny so they bring up heterosexuals as a way to deflect.”

      The two primary varieties of paedophile are fixated (who are only attracted to kids) and regressed (who are attracted to kids and adults). Fixated paedophiles are incomparable to teleiophilic heterosexuals or homosexuals… alternatively termed androphiles or gynephiles. Regressed paedophiles can be attracted to pre-pubescents of both sexes, yet almost all are exclusively heterosexual when it comes to adults.

      Fixated paedophiles:
      Nathaniel McConaghy, 1998, Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 32(2), 252-265:
      “The man who offends against prepubertal or immediately postpubertal boys is typically not sexually interested in older men or in women” (p259).

      Regressed paedophiles:
      Groth et al. 1978, Archives Of Sexual Behavior, 7(3), 175-181:
      “All regressed offenders, whether their victims were male or female children, were heterosexual in their adult orientation.”
      “The possibility emerges that homosexuality and homosexual pedophilia may be mutually exclusive and that the adult heterosexual male constitutes a greater risk to the underage child than does the adult homosexual male.”

      The reality is that homosexuals aren’t any more likely to molest kids:
      Carole Jenny et al. 1994, Pediatrics, 94(1), 41-44:
      “In… 269 cases (of child molestation), two offenders were identified as being gay or lesbian”.
      “A child’s risk of being molested by his or her relative’s heterosexual partner is 100 times greater than by someone who might be identified as a homosexual”.

      YOU WROTE: “Children are not produced through homosexual acts therefore there is no reason for them to even come into contact with other peoples children”.

      Children are not produced through education or playing sports, therefore there is no need for children to come in to contact with teachers or athletes. This is called a non sequitur.

      YOU WROTE: “Larry Brinkin … Can you rationalize what this piece of filth did, Can you explain away the vile despicable acts he committed against babies? He not the exception he’s the norm.”

      No and I don’t need to. This is called anecdotal evidence, which can never be rationally used to draw accurate conclusions about entire groups of people, other than those who feature in the anecdotes. Asserting your conclusion that this anecdote represents all or most homosexuals doesn’t make it true…

      Freund et al. 1989, The Journal of Sex Research, 26(1), 107-117:
      “Homosexual males who preferred physically mature partners responded (sexually) no more to male children than heterosexual males who preferred physically mature partners responded to female children”.

  23. savechildren Says:

    You’re a moron and a liar. There are homosexuals sources in the article that say in their own words they want sex with children.
    Homosexuality is a sexual perversion no matter how much you try to dress it up an make it look less disgusting than it is. NAMBLA was always a part of the homosexual lobby and marched in homosexul pride parades. Until homosexual had to Forcibly denounce them in 1984. They’ve gone no where and still are under the radar.
    Homosexuals are harmless blah, blah, blah, Now homosexuals are some angels that fell from the sky. You make me laugh with your lying and denying. So here is more from another homosexual,
    pervert homosexual pederast in his own words:.


    By Michael Swift,
    “Gay Revolutionary.” Reprinted from The Congressional Record. First printed in Gay Community News, February 15-21 1987
    “We shall sodomize your sons, emblems of your feeble masculinity, of your shallow dreams and vulgar lies. We shall seduce them in your schools, in your dormitories, in your gymnasiums, in your locker rooms, in your sports arenas, in your seminaries, in your youth groups, in your movie theater bathrooms, in your army bunkhouses, in your truck stops, in your all male clubs, in your houses of Congress, wherever men are with men together. Your sons shall become our minions and do our bidding. They will be recast in our image. They will come to crave and adore us.

    • truthsay3r Says:

      YOU WROTE: “Homosexuality is a sexual perversion”

      This are simply meaningless words unless some rationally demonstrable condemnation is entailed by something being a “sexual perversion”… and you are yet to demonstrate that this is the case (like all who use the term). You may as well say “homosexuals are very naughty”. It contains no more intellectual content than your statement.

      YOU WROTE: ” NAMBLA was always a part of the homosexual lobby and marched in homosexul pride parades. Until homosexual had to Forcibly denounce them in 1984.”

      We’ll just take your unevidenced assertion for that then… the fact that they were denounced over 3 decades ago by homosexual organisations really isn’t a point that is in your favour btw.

      YOU WROTE: “By Michael Swift, Gay Community News, February 15-21 1987”

      Never heard of him… more anecdotal evidence. Magazine articles don’t = proof that an entire group of people do, think or say anything. For all we know this INDIVIDUAL’s statement is a parody of what people such as yourself foolishly think. I doubt you’ve ever even read the article and are merely copying and pasting from some anti-gay cite which itself is formed from an amalgam of irrelevant sources which the site owner has never read. Show me relevant, peer-reviewed studies… not ancient magazine article anecdotes with an unclear context… then perhaps you can at least start to make a decent case for your viewpoint.

      Having now checked, your source is actually, ironically, a parody lol. Here is the first line of the article:
      “This essay is an outre, madness, a tragic, cruel fantasy, an eruption of inner rage, on how the oppressed desperately dream of being the oppressor.”

      Even if it hadn’t been. You will never make a sound argument against any group of individuals on the basis of anecdotal evidence.

  24. savechildren Says:

    All pederast are homosexuals moron. Man + boy = homosexual. I have a female cousin who was molested by lesbian, they’re predators too. In fact the website “Lesbians Avengers” has their intentions right on the main page of their website, “10 % is not enough, recruit, recruit, recruit”.

    Africa did become infected with GRIDS, Gay Related Immune
    Deficiency by pederast and pedophile foreign White Tourist. Then one lone homosexual airline stewardess brought the disease to America and spread it around. By practicing unhealthy and deviant homosexual behavior. Anonymous sex in bathhouses, public bathrooms, public parks and anywhere they can get laid, by as many people as they could. Doing things a dog wouldn’t do. As well as donating their diseased blood and poisoning the blood supply. Which caused the deaths of tens of thousands innocent victims.
    Then they had the audacity to want the name changed form
    GRIDS to HIV/AIDS so they could distance themselves from it. But across the Planet they are highest percentage of the population infected with it. And with the accepting of homosexuality as normal
    HIV/AIDS is on the increase not the decline.

    I was also right about the racism,. Homosexuals either use Africa or the so called Black Civil Rights movement to push their agenda on Society. That’s arrogant, ignorant and an insult to be compared to a chosen and perverse sexual behavior. It’s also deceptive and dishonest the only thing homosexuals can be compared to is black homosexuals.

    • truthsay3r Says:

      YOU WROTE: “All pederast are homosexuals moron. Man + boy = homosexual.”

      Man + boy = paedophilic “homosexual”, not an ephebephilic or teleiophilic homosexual or androphile. The perpetrator may even be a teleiophilic heterosexual.

      Groth et al. 1978, Archives Of Sexual Behavior, 7(3), 175-181:
      “All regressed offenders, whether their victims were male or female children, were heterosexual in their adult orientation.”
      “The possibility emerges that homosexuality and homosexual pedophilia may be mutually exclusive and that the adult heterosexual male constitutes a greater risk to the underage child than does the adult homosexual male.”

      YOU WROTE: “a female cousin who was molested by lesbian, they’re predators too.”

      Anecdotal evidence. Plenty of people have cousins who were molested by heterosexuals… they’re predators too.

      YOU WROTE: “the website “Lesbians Avengers” has their intentions right on the main page of their website, “10 % is not enough, recruit, recruit, recruit”.”

      I just looked and no it doesn’t. The website references recruitment to their group (Lesbian Avengers) about three times. Not at all on the homepage. Here is one example:
      “a recruiting flyer which they decided to hand out only to dykes on the sideline of the Gay Pride March in June”.

      Your next paragraph or two features more unsubstantiated claims which I’ll ignore until you evidence them.
      YOU WROTE: “with the accepting of homosexuality as normal
      HIV/AIDS is on the increase not the decline.”

      The idea that a lack of discrimination increases HIV transmission is simply incorrect. The opposite is true.
      Dr Moncrieffe, 2010, UN Development Programme: Jamaica:
      “Across the Caribbean, HIV prevalence is higher (among MSM) in those countries that criminalize homosexuality”.

      YOU WROTE: “Homosexuals either use Africa or the so called Black Civil Rights movement to push their agenda on Society. That’s arrogant, ignorant and an insult to be compared to a chosen and perverse sexual behavior.”

      Prejudice is prejudice regardless of who it is directed towards and key civil rights leaders agree E.G.

      Coretta Scott King, author, activist, prominent civil rights leader and widow of Martin Luther King Jr regarded homophobia to be akin to racism, as explained by her in the 1 minute video below.

      Black Americans of Achievement by Dale Gelfand quotes Coretta King as stating that:
      “Homophobia is like racism and anti-Semitism and other forms of bigotry in that it seeks to dehumanize a large group of people, to deny their humanity, their dignity and personhood”.

      Bayard Rustin was Executive Director (chief organiser) of the 1963 March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom and had advised MLK Jr from the 1950’s onwards. He was also an openly homosexual advocate of LGBT rights and in a 1986 speech noted that:
      “Today, blacks are no longer the litmus paper or the barometer of social change… The new “niggers” are gays… gay people are the new barometer for social change… The question of social change should be framed with the most vulnerable group in mind: gay people.”

      Homosexuality isn’t a behaviour either. It is an involuntary orientation. Given that we would still classify an adolescent who had not yet had the opportunity to act upon their attractions, or a celibate, as heterosexual, homosexual or bisexual. We would still classify a man who prostituted themselves to another man as heterosexual if they were exclusively attracted to women. Involuntary attractions are therefore both necessary and sufficient to assign sexual orientation, while voluntary actions are neither necessary, nor sufficient to do so.

      Thanks for reading.

  25. Blake Says:

    @savechildren….tell them the TRUTH about homosexuality…perhaps it may just trigger something in them that leads to their liberation from this perverted bondage.

    • truthsay3r Says:

      Feel free to tell me the “truth” about homosexuality. You’ve consistently failed to address my well-evidenced counters to your claims. Concerning homosexuals being “liberated from this perverted bondage”, I’d suggest considering the words of the large number of ex-ex-gays and ex-gay movement leaders/ founders on that topic. The research and statements of medical/ social science institutions would also enlighten you. I’ll just share a couple of videos of the former for now.

      The following 5 minute video shows 5 founders and former key leaders of the ex-gay movement who between them have over 60 years of experience leading it. They have all since rejected the claim that sexual orientation is changeable and apologised for their involvement in promulgating the myth that it is.

      The 17m40s video below features short clips of over 30 ex-ex-gays, many of whom spent years or even decades dedicatedly trying to change from gay to straight unsuccessfully, using a variety of methods (yes, including prayer etc).

      • MeetKenyans Nairobi Says:

        You have not provided any evidence with your counters. You knew well before you posted with counters that not all are going to work. You refuse to show the many that have, and never reverted back to homosexuality. Your efforts are pure hypocritical, you preach hate and fallacy.

        • CommonSense Says:

          What did u expect, u bloody hypocrite? The confession of every single person that went through anti-gay indoctination? Plus, you are just fooling yourself by claiming that so called “ex-gay therapy” ever works AT ALL! And there are lots of great evidence to support that:

          “Reparative” or sexual reorientation therapy — the pseudo-scientific foundation of the ex-gay movement — has been rejected by all the established and reputable American medical, psychological, psychiatric and professional counseling organizations. In 2009, for instance, the American Psychological Association adopted a resolution, accompanied by a 138-page report, that repudiated ex-gay therapy. The report concluded that compelling evidence suggested that cases of individuals going from gay to straight were “rare” and that “many individuals continued to experience same-sex sexual attractions” after reparative therapy. The APA resolution added that “there is insufficient evidence to support the use of psychological interventions to change sexual orientation” and asked “mental health professionals to avoid misrepresenting the efficacy of sexual orientation change efforts by promoting or promising change in sexual orientation.” The resolution also affirmed that same-sex sexual and romantic feelings are normal.

          A very large number of professional medical, scientific and counseling organizations in the U.S. and abroad have issued statements regarding the harm that reparative therapy can cause, particularly if it’s based on the assumption that homosexuality is unacceptable. As early as 1993, the American Academy of Pediatrics stated that “[t]herapy directed at specifically changing sexual orientation is contraindicated, since it can provoke guilt and anxiety while having little or no potential for achieving change in orientation.”

          The American Medical Association officially opposes reparative therapy that is “based on the assumption that homosexuality per se is a mental disorder or based on an a priori assumption that the person should change his/her homosexual orientation.”

          The Pan-American Health Organization, the world’s oldest international public health agency, issued a statement in 2012 that said, in part: “Services that purport to ‘cure’ people with non-heterosexual sexual orientation lack medical justification and represent a serious threat to the health and well-being of affected people.” The statement continues, “In none of its individual manifestations does homosexuality constitute a disorder or an illness, and therefore it requires no cure.”

          Some of the most striking, if anecdotal, evidence of the ineffectiveness of sexual reorientation therapy has been the numerous failures of some of its most ardent advocates. For example, the founder of Exodus International, Michael Bussee, left the organization in 1979 with a fellow male ex-gay counselor because the two had fallen in love. Other examples include George Rekers, a former board member of NARTH and formerly a leading scholar of the anti-LGBT Christian right who was revealed to have been involved in a same-sex tryst in 2010. John Paulk, former poster child of the massive ex-gay campaign “Love Won Out” in the late 1990s, is now living as a happy gay man. And Robert Spitzer, a preeminent psychiatrist whose 2001 research that seemed to indicate that some gay people had changed their orientation, repudiated his own study in 2012. The Spitzer study had been widely used by anti-LGBT organizations as “proof” that sexual orientation can change.

          In 2013, Exodus International, formerly one of the largest ex-gay ministries in the world, shut downafter its director, Alan Chambers, issued an apology to the LGBT community. Chambers, who is married to a woman, has acknowledged that his same-sex attraction has not changed. At a 2012 conference, he said: “The majority of people that I have met, and I would say the majority meaning 99.9% of them, have not experienced a change in their orientation or have gotten to a place where they could say they could never be tempted or are not tempted in some way or experience some level of same-sex attraction.”

          Your efforts are pure hypocritical, you preach hate and fallacy.

  26. CommonSense Says:

    In fact, some research shows that for pedophiles, the gender of the child is immaterial. They usually don’t identify as homosexual. The majority identify as heterosexual, even those who abuse children of the same gender. They are sexually aroused by extreme youth, not by gender.

    In contrast, child molesters often exert power and control over children in an effort to dominate them. They do experience sexual desire for adults but molest children episodically, for reasons apart from sexual desire, much as rapists enjoy power, violence, and controlling their humiliated victims. Actually, research strongly suggests that a child molester isn’t any more likely to be homosexual than heterosexual.

    Accessibility is more the factor in whom a pedophile abuses. This may explain the high incidence of children molested in church communities and fraternal organizations, where the pedophile may more easily have access to children.

    In these situations, an adult male is trusted by those around him, including children and their families. Males are often given access to boys to mentor, teach, coach, and advise. Therefore, a male pedophile may have easier access to a male child. In trying to make sense of an adult male’s sexually abusing a male child, many of us mislabel it as an act of homosexuality, which it isn’t.

    Rape is not a sex act but an act of violence using sex as a weapon. In the same way, a pedophile abusing a child of the same sex is not perpetrating a homosexual act but an act of violence and exploitation using sexuality. There is a world of difference between these two things, but it requires a subtle understanding of the inner motivation of the abuser.

    To call child molestation of a boy by a man “homosexual,” or that of a girl by a man “heterosexual,” is to misunderstand pedophilia.

  27. savechildren Says:

    I’m used to the lies homosexuals push to advance their agenda. Any man who abuses a boy is a homosexual pedophile, pederast or whatever name you homosexuals have made up to call

    yourselves today. . He is committing a act of a homosexuality on a child a perverted act against Nature. Homosexuality and pedophilia fall into the same category which is deviant and perversion. And you homosexuals are Insane if you want someone to believe there is anything moral about you or what you do. . Homosexuals main goal is to brainwash and recruit children into their deviant, unnatural lifestyle. Blake has given you several sources straight from the mouths of homosexuals that they want to molest and rape children. I don’t call it sex because it’s not it’s Rape. But here is yet another predatory homosexual in their own words:

    “ contributor Daniel Villarreal criticized (WARNING site contains inappropriate images) the homosexual movement’s knee-jerk reaction against accusations of meddling in public schools. Villarreal pointed to a recent National Organization for Marriage (NOM) ad launched in New York that points out how homosexual indoctrination has been introduced in Massachusetts and California schools.

    Two of the books designed to teach children about homosexuality in a positive light.
    While gay activists usually deny that they want to indoctrinate children, said Villarreal, “let’s face it—that’s a lie.” “We want educators to teach future generations of children to accept queer sexuality. In fact, our very future depends on it,” he wrote.

    Villarreal pointed to the tactics of a gay activist group FCKH8, which fought a recent Tennessee bill prohibiting classroom discussion of homosexuality in grade school by “hir[ing]some little girls to drop F-bombs” in their controversial online ad campaign, and handing out gay paraphernalia to schoolchildren. “Recruiting children? You bet we are,” he said.”

    The books are “Heather Has Two Mommies” of course no one has two “mommies”. And “King and King” have to brainwash
    those little boys.

    You can’t refute what the sodomite said. So you will probably attack the Source. Which is typical of homosexuals pushing an agenda.

    I’m so glad you brought up The convicted, homosexual pedophile.
    Bayard Rustin. Bayard Rustin went to jail for molesting two White
    boys 15 and 17. Funny how he didn’t get lynched but came out to subvert the so called, Civil Rights movement. All Blacks didn’t follow MLK we had other leaders and they were about self defense. Not sissy moves to lay on the ground and let any man put their hands on you or your wives and children. Bayard Rustin was homosexual. His policy was to let the blacks take a beating so the homosexuals wouldn’t have to. He was a homosexual
    activist sent to subvert black people and push homosexuality in the Black community. Rustin pushed MLK to tie his sodomite movement to Human Rights for Blacks. King told him No! Rustin may have been openly homosexual but it wasn’t widely known in the Black community. When other leaders found out what Rustin was pushing, they told MLK to drop him and even threatened that if he wasn’t dropped they were going to spread Rumors about King himself, Rustin was Dismissed!

    As far as the wife of MLK is concerned she is was just that his wife. She is no leader of Black people and what she said carries no weight at all. In fact she is sell out and traitor to compare the very Real struggle of Blacks to something as perverse and deviant as homosexuality. There are other members of her family who disagree with her too, Like her children and her husband’s family. But homosexuals are free to worship her and Rustin all they want.

    You can save your stories and fake science for those who don’t research what you homosexuals do and what you’re about. And sick America has decided to let the pedophile, pederast, peverse deviant, Sick, homosexuals like NAMBLA members adopt children. Which is State Sanctioned Child Sex Trafficking.

    Those Lesbos are talking about recruiting children. I’m not a child and I know what the word recruit means. As I said I know people who’ve been molested by homosexuals. They can’t reproduce together so they must recruit. They need to host to feed off. Also we’re not talking about heterosexuals were talking about

    Also just because there are few homosexuals who’ve said they’re so called orientation can’t be changed. So what’s there point there are others who say different. I know people who were in that lifestyle and left the sickness, no different than being a junkie or an alcoholic.

    • truthsay3r Says:

      No lies are needed to advance the “agenda” of the cessation of prejudicially motivated discrimination.

      YOU WROTE: “Any man who abuses a boy is a homosexual pedophile”

      Sure, depending upon your definition. As the peer-reviewed studies (not right-wing extremist newspaper articles) that I have quoted demonstrate, paedophiles are distinct from ephebophiles & teleiophiles/ androphiles.

      YOU WROTE: “He is committing a act of a homosexuality on a child a perverted act against Nature”

      He is the “homosexuality” of the act is as representative of all homosexual acts as the sexual nature of the act is as representative of all sexual acts of any kind.

      “Perverted” is a virtually meaningless term with an unjustified negative connotation. Medical care and antiperspirant use both directly go against nature. Why is it relevant?

      YOU WROTE: “Homosexuality and pedophilia fall into the same category which is deviant and perversion.”

      Again, simply virtually words with unjustified negative connotations. If you feel that the negative connotations are both justified and applicable to all homosexuals then that is something that needs to be demonstrated, not simply asserted through the use of the words. All significant improvements to a civilisation involve deviance from the status quo btw, so deviance certainly doesn’t seem to be inherently bad.

      YOU WROTE: “Homosexuals main goal is to brainwash and recruit children into their deviant, unnatural lifestyle.”

      I’ve already addressed your fallacious use of these terms above. When we want to be taken seriously and to be sure our beliefs are true… we evidence them. Feel free to start doing so. There is no homosexual “lifestyle” any more than there is a heterosexual, black or ginger haired “lifestyle”.

      YOU WROTE: “Blake has given you several sources straight from the mouths of homosexuals that they want to molest and rape children.”

      Feel free to quote them and I assume you’re referring to anecdotal evidence… so don’t waste your time after all. Do you think I couldn’t name “heterosexuals” who have demonstrated a desire to rape children? What would this prove about ALL heterosexuals? Hint: Nothing whatsoever.

      YOU WROTE: “You can’t refute what the sodomite said.”

      What specifically do you think needed refuting? The anecdotal opinion of somebody which has been further distorted via an absurdly biased website? The idea that nobody can have two mommies is simply a lie, as is the idea that informing kids of the existence of this and of homosexuality is “indoctrination”. These are simple facts about reality… some families have two mums or two dads. Here is an example of both:

      YOU WROTE: “handing out gay paraphernalia to schoolchildren”

      What is “gay paraphernalia”? I certainly don’t own any lol.

      YOU WROTE: “homosexual pedophile. Bayard Rustin. Bayard Rustin went to jail for molesting two White boys 15 and 17”.

      Are you suggesting that 15 and 17 year old boys are prepubescent? You seem to be talking nonsense anyway. Please prove that this lifelong pacifist was convicted of abusing children…

      YOU WROTE: “She is no leader of Black people and what she said carries no weight at all”

      She is a major civil rights activist who has done more for black civil rights than you ever will and who quoted MLK in support of the point she made in the video I shared. Her statements additionally stand upon their own merit, rather than simply on the basis of who made them.

      YOU WROTE: “You can save your stories and fake science for those who don’t research what you homosexuals do”

      Reading ligesitenews isn’t “research” lol, unlike the peer-reviewed studies which I quote from.

      NAMBLA = a defunct organisation which was rejected by homosexual organisations decades ago. It is nothing to do with homosexuality.

      YOU WROTE: “Those Lesbos are talking about recruiting children.”

      Quote it, link to it and demonstrate that it means what you think it does and that it applies to all homosexuals. Try evidencing one of your assertions for once.

      YOU WROTE: “As I said I know people who’ve been molested by homosexuals. They can’t reproduce together so they must recruit.”

      The stupidity of this statement is evident from the video shared earlier in this comment, along with the total lack of evidence that any kind of “recruitment” can occur via molestation or any other means.

      YOU WROTE: “homosexuals who’ve said they’re so called orientation can’t be changed.”

      Ya… the leaders and founders of the organisations and those who have spent decades trying.

      YOU WROTE: “So what’s there point there are others who say different.”

      Who then later go on to recant, such as John Paulk, another famous ex-gay-movement proponent.

      John Paulk, “Love Won Out” founder and former chairman of the board of “Exodus International” appeared on “Oprah” and “Good Morning America” in support of ex-gay therapy. He has since issued an apology for his involvement in the ex-gay movement:
      “For the better part of ten years, I was an advocate and spokesman for what’s known as the “ex-gay movement”… I do not believe that reparative therapy changes sexual orientation; in fact, it does great harm to many people.”

      He wasn’t included in the earlier video btw. More commonly however, there are two other elements to the ex-gay lie.
      1) Bisexuals who end up in loving hetero relationships can easily lie that they’re “ex-gay” (to themselves as well as others), when in reality they’re no different from faithful heterosexuals.
      2) The self-delusional lie which you kindly outlined for us in the quote below… that homosexuality is a “lifestyle” and that homosexual celibacy therefore = ex-gay. Are heterosexual celibates not heterosexual?

      YOU WROTE: “I know people who were in that lifestyle and left the sickness, no different than being a junkie or an alcoholic.”

      Here you outline the “left the lifestyle” self-delusional nonsense. Why can the ex-gay movement not provide any study to demonstrate the accuracy of its claims? Why is it that the ex-gay movement needs to fallaciously equate homosexuality with behaviour? Why is it that bisexuals who were never gay to begin with lie that they are “ex-gay”?

      The American Psychiatric Association:
      “There is no published scientific evidence supporting the efficacy of reparative therapy as a treatment to change ones sexual orientation.”

  28. savechildren Says:

    * a host, *said their so called orientation can’t be changed.

    • MeetKenyans Nairobi Says:

      That is nonsense.

      • CommonSense Says:

        I agree! I saw the documentary and it is full of nonsense indeed. Total rubbish! Sexual orientation IS unchangeable.

    • MeetKenyans Nairobi Says:

      • CommonSense Says:

        Funded by Family Watch International and the NARTH, the documentary interviews a number of bigoted folks (some faces are blurred) who provide zero sources or studies that allegedly “prove” homosexuality is “caused by” a number of anti-gay myths including absent fathers and sexual abuse.

        They’re also pretty annoyed by all the “intolerant” and “angry” gay rights activists who oppose this baseless science. “The easiest way to understand homosexual feelings,” says NARTH board member Floyd Godfrey, “would be by the definition that it’s the sexualization of emotional needs and wounds.”

        The definition? Uh…who defined that?

        As a cherry on top of this awful cake, FWI warns all 2 fans of this film that intolerant homosexuals will attempt to “jam” their logic by “harassing and discrediting anyone who claims they have changed [their sexual orientation].” Guess that’s just another convenient theory they pulled out of thin air?

        So excuse me in advance, Family Watch International. I’m about to “jam” you with 5 more things that absolutely do not “turn” or “make” people gay.


        The topic of Nature vs. Nurture is a hot one…if you’re still living in the 1960s. With the advancement of scientific technology comes a general understanding among the scientific community that homosexuality may be genetic, meaning a child’s sexual orientation has been predetermined long before mothers have a chance to become overbearing. Scientists funded by extremist right-wing Christians can’t even definitively link parenting styles (or lack thereof) with homosexuality, opting instead to loosely peg older siblings as the “cause of homosexuality” by observing trends in small sample groups.

        2) MOLESTATION

        Hey, Family Watch International, did you know that not all gay men were molested as children? Did you also know that not all people who were molested as children grow up to be gay?

        The molestation myth was most likely birthed in the dark ages (before the APA declassified homosexuality as a mental disorder in 1973), when psychiatrists reported links between child molestation and homosexual feelings. They conveniently overlook the fact that much of the early data suggesting a link between the two was gathered from men who reportedly lost their virginity before the age of 16.


        The “absence of a father” discussion most often assumes that children become gay because their masculinity is not asserted at a young age, and that young men may develop homosexual feelings in an attempt to replace and eroticize the masculinity they don’t have. Lulz!

        That’s funny, because the author of the longest-running study of lesbian families finds that two lesbian women can raise a heterosexual man that is both “academically successful” and happy with life. Ahem. According to Psych Central, children of gay parents are not only psychologically healthy, but often appear to exhibit better social and academic adjustment and a significantly lower incidence of social problems than their peers.

        Modern science has essentially flipped this myth on its head. It seems that the absence of a heterosexual family structure is more closely linked with a child’s future success than their potential homosexuality.

        4) TV

        Kids that watch gay youth tackle tough issues on shows like Glee actually do become gay. Every child who watched the first lunar landing in 1969 also grew up to become an astronaut, and kids who enjoy watching sports always become professional athletes.

        The notion that a television show can alter the course of one’s life is one of the most preposterous talking points the anti-gay movement loves. Some claim that homosexual teens on Teen Wolf and transgender students on Glee desensitize children to “alternative lifestyles” and push an agenda. The nerve! Shame on television for also desensitizing children to racial inequality and women’s rights.

        5) OTHER GAYS

        I can debunk this myth pretty quickly with some personal experience. I’ve never met a gay man or woman who was inspired by heterosexual friends to “become” heterosexual.

  29. savechildren Says:

    “Britains public health Chief warns of catastrophic global gay HIV
    LONDON, November 25, 2013 ( – The UK’s

    National Director of Health and Wellbeing warns that there is an increasing and potentially catastrophic HIV epidemic in homosexual men in every part of the world.

    Speaking at the British HIV Association’s Autumn Conference earlier this month, Professor Kevin Fenton said that despite an increasing number of tools to combat HIV infection, the incidence and prevalence of the disease in MSM (men who have sex with men) is increasing rather than decreasing globally.”


    The only thing homosexuals have to back their agenda are lies, emotions, theories, and bullying. But absolutely no proof or facts.

    • truthsay3r Says:

      Newspaper articles are inadequate except to substantiate anecdotes. Lifesitenews in particular isn’t even a reliable news source… they censor politely worded criticism/evidence in their comments which violates the absolute founding principle of honest, responsible journalism, which is freedom of information and expression. Lifesitenews exists solely to reinforce misinformation which is in keeping with their religious agenda.

      You haven’t presented any “proof or facts” or established the relevance of HIV prevalence. Please do so.

  30. savechildren Says:

    Oh please I knew you would poo poo away what that pervert
    Michael Swift said just like all homosexuals who read those sick
    words instead of saying that’s horrible. It’s not funny when some
    pervert threathens to sodomize our sons because of some perceived persecution he feels. It’s a sick depraved and disgusting.

    But the tragedy is his sick fantasy has come true. Don’t Ask Don’t
    Tell has been repealed in the military. And now homosexual
    assaults are the rise. Also some recruits are complaing of being harrased sexually by their COs Homosexuals are teaching and adopting children. They have also sued their way into the Boy Scouts of America. They sodomize boys in locker rooms Jerry Sandusky. Who homosexuals dishonestly call heterosexual. Sandusky was married to his “Beard” a word homosexuals made up to describe the women they trick into marriage. Sandusky even adopted and molested a boy. Also homosexuals have been in the
    Closet for some time now pretending to be normal.

    And then you say they denounced NAMBLA all matter of fact like it’s okay that a group of professed, child molesting, perverts were even a part of your group. SICK! Homosexuals have no right to be any where near other people’s children. And all you homosexual
    supporters are a disgrace. You should Google the “Fistgate” Incident and see if this is the kind of depravity you support being
    taught to children.

    • truthsay3r Says:

      YOU WROTE: “I knew you would poo poo away what that pervert
      Michael Swift said just like all homosexuals who read those sick
      words instead of saying that’s horrible.”

      Pointing out that it was a parody isn’t “poo poo”ing it away… it would be bizarre to react to a joke as if it were literally true.

      YOU WROTE: “It’s not funny when some pervert threathens to sodomize our sons”

      Perhaps you missed the part where I quoted his introductory statement, describing it as a tragic, cruel, mad fantasy… not a genuine representation of his or anybody else’s wishes, simply a parody of the mad fantasy ascribed to homosexuals by those who oppress them.

      YOU WROTE: “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell has been repealed in the military. And now homosexual assaults are the rise.”

      Yet another unevidenced claim, though any increase in reportage is likely just a result of more confidence in reporting such assaults, given that the military cover-ups of sexual assaults have come under significant media scrutiny in the last few years.

      Sex isn’t necessarily about sexual desire either, or the victim within institutions which largely exclude women may simply be a substitute for a woman,

      South Eastern Centre Against Sexual Assault:
      “Most men who sexually assault other men identify themselves as heterosexual. This fact helps to highlight another reality that sexual assault is about violence, anger and control over another person, not lust or sexual attraction.”

      Human Rights Watch Report “No Escape, Male Rape in U.S. Prisons”:
      “The myth of the “homosexual predator” is groundless. Perpetrators of rape typically view themselves as heterosexual and, outside of the prison environment, prefer to engage in heterosexual activity. Although gay inmates are much more likely than other inmates to be victimized in prison, they are not likely to be perpetrators of sexual abuse.”
      “Rapists view themselves as heterosexuals and see the victim as substituting for a woman.”

      Brian Lewis, the first male military rape survivor to testify before Congress:
      “It’s not about sex… It’s about power and control.”

      These statistics are for rapes against women, for rapes by men against men the prevalences could be even higher, *Center for Sex Offender Management:*
      “Power rapists—like anger rapists—use sexual assault as a way to feel powerful and in control.”
      “Between 25% and 40% of known rapes are committed by men who are considered anger rapists.”
      “Estimates are that approximately 2% to 5% of all rapists are sadistic in nature.”

      YOU WROTE: “Homosexuals are teaching and adopting children.”

      The issue being what exactly?
      The American Psychological Association:
      “There is no scientific evidence that parenting effectiveness is related to parental sexual orientation: lesbian and gay parents are as likely as heterosexual parents to provide supportive and healthy environments for their children”.

      The Canadian Psychological Association:
      “A review of the psychological research into the well-being of children raised by same-sex and opposite-sex parents continues to indicate that there are no reliable differences in their mental health or social adjustment and that lesbian mothers and gay fathers are not less fit as parents than are their heterosexual counterparts”.

      The Australian Psychological Society:
      “It is family processes (such as the quality of parenting and relationships within the family) that contribute to determining children’s wellbeing and ‘outcomes’, rather than family structures, per se, such as the number, gender, sexuality and co-habitation status of parents. The research indicates that parenting practices and children’s outcomes in families parented by lesbian and gay parents are likely to be at least as favourable as those in families of heterosexual parents, despite the reality that considerable legal discrimination and inequity remain significant challenges for these families”.

      YOU WROTE: “They sodomize boys in locker rooms Jerry Sandusky. Who homosexuals dishonestly call heterosexual.”

      Jerry Sandusky = individual. Homosexuals = large group of individuals. Look up anecdotal evidence… educate yourself.

      And yes Jerry Sandusky’s wife would suggest that he is a regressed paedophile who is heterosexual in his adult orientation, just like all those in the study I shared.

      Groth et al. 1978, Archives Of Sexual Behavior, 7(3), 175-181:
      “All regressed offenders, whether their victims were male or female children, were heterosexual in their adult orientation.”

      YOU WROTE: “now pretending to be normal.”

      Don’t care whether you consider them normal or not, just like I don’t care if geniuses or Olympic athletes are considered to be normal.

      YOU WROTE: “perverts were even a part of your group”

      I have never been a part of any group associated with NAMBLA or any comparable organisation.

      YOU WROTE: ““Fistgate” Incident”

      Another piece of anecdotal evidence presumably.

  31. Blake Says:

    “truthsay3r” & your twin “CommonSense” caught up in sexual depravity – You could easily be the same person for all I know. The deep irony here is that your names are completely diametrical to reality.

    It clearly doesn’t matter what kind of evidence is presented here to demonstrate the destructive but truthful nature of homosexuality…you’ll defend this extreme human depravity and abomination to the most absurd, most illogical, most incoherent and most bizarre extent your depraved minds can achieve.

    Of course your aim is very simple…to try and shut down the TRUTH by all necessary means so that others caught up in this tragic bondage may not escape, and for Kenyans to have no factual grounds to reject this evil in their society.

    This is truly an example of the most horrific kind of wickedness I’ve encountered in the full-scale defence of a behaviour our Creator God, Lord Almighty declared an abomination thousands of years ago. Your prolific writings all over this blog tell me that you are so far gone into this wickedness, its become a malevolent force within your souls that is hellbent on fighting the truth with every ounce of strength left in your defiled bodies. As we say here in Kenya…Poleni sana…this blog will continue its work.

    As the blog owner and admin, I could easily delete your incomprehensible absurdities but I’ll not descend to the same level the homosexual supporting websites and organisations such as Google normally do when confronted with irrefutable medical facts and truth against homosexuality.

    I’ll let your unintelligent babble remain here as a permanent indictment on how far you are willing to defend the worst form of immorality known to mankind and which is now raised up by western nations against our Creator God in wicked pride and arrogance.

    I now clearly see why God eventually destroyed the ancient Cities of Sodom & Gommorah in such a horrific manner in the Holy Scriptures Genesis 19….they had reached a point in their deeply wicked pride where they were taunting and mocking their Creator with their vile immorality despite appeals to stop, repent and change their repugnant lifestyles. If God couldn’t convince these ancient Sodomites to change, who am I to convince these two?

    I see this same wicked arrogance and pride in these two bloggers here and my heart truly goes out to them. Especially when I know the horrific eternal doom that awaits them when they breath their last at anytime this century, then they have to face Almighty God on the day of Judgement to their eternal regret and horror.

    “truthsay3r” & your twin “CommonSense” caught up in sexual depravity – there’s still time to repent and get transformed by God into new liberated and cleansed human beings before its too late. Treat this as one of the witnesses the fearful Judge God Almighty Himself will call up on that terrible Day of Judgement to seal your guilt completely. I’ve now done my duty by delivering a precious warning as the Creator expects me to.

    • CommonSense Says:

      U said: “It clearly doesn’t matter what kind of evidence is presented here to demonstrate the destructive but truthful nature of homosexuality…you’ll defend this extreme human depravity and abomination to the most absurd, most illogical, most incoherent and most bizarre extent your depraved minds can achieve. ”
      -It does matter what kind of evidence any of us or u provide. Simply confusing pedophiles with homosexuals and using arguments about pedophiles to condemn people attracted to the same sex (not children, i repeat) proves that in order to achieve your hateful goal, u will say any sort of irrelevant nonsence. It’s simply amazing how you pick and choose pedophiles and portray them as homosexuals which is not the case. A pedophile abuses children regardless of their gender, as he is attracted to extreme youth and the power position it provides against them. That has nothing to do with either heterosexuals or homosexuals. If your problem is pedophilia (i hope you condemn straight pedophilia as well, cause i haven’t seen u worrying about that), then don’t make it about people attracted to the same sex wich is irrelevant to the participant’s age.

      u make a lot of points(abomination, illogical, absurd, bizzare, depraved minds etc) but u fail to prove or address specifically any of those delusional points. U simply never prove us wrong debunking any of our solid scientific researches, studies or simple common facts (for example a man abusing a little boy is not less guilty from another one abusing a little girl, both are pedophiles, not gay or straight etc). U just shoot blindly. Where’s the harm when a homosexual is not attracted to children at all? How do u fail to see that homosexuals (just like heterosexuals) condemn and loathe pedophilia. The “gay movement” rejected NAMBLA decades ago but that’s a truth u don’t wanna see.

      U say: “Of course your aim is very simple…to try and shut down the TRUTH by all necessary means so that others caught up in this tragic bondage may not escape, and for Kenyans to have no factual grounds to reject this evil in their society. ”
      -U r the ones telling lies and ignoring the truth. I’ve never sillenced anyone (and i couldn’t even if i wanted). Actually, i’m glad that u type your fallacies down, because that gives me the chance to prove how damn wrong u r about almost everything about homosexuality per se (not pedophilia which is a totally different case) and scripta manent. Therefore any reasonable person can see how our arguments and evidences debunk all yours.

      U say: “This is truly an example of the most horrific kind of wickedness I’ve encountered in the full-scale defence of a behaviour our Creator God, Lord Almighty declared an abomination thousands of years ago. Your prolific writings …this blog will continue its work.”
      -If u weren’t such an arrogant , misinformed religious bigot, u would see how wrong your argument on {homosexuality-old testament} is on so many levels. Just a few of them:
      1)god didn’t call it abomination, people did.
      2)the original hebrew word for abomination means ritually impure adressing there the male prostitution in sexual paganistic rituals. If the authors wanted to point out the sin of homosexuality per se, they would use the hebrew word zimah (but they didn’t)
      3)The bible condemns and accepts many irrational things (polygamy, interacial relationships, slavery, working on the sabbath and the list goes on and on and on…). Lots of religious crap that people in their right minds justify before either accepting or not.
      4)Therefore also, if something is wrong, u don’t need the bible to prove that, because justice goes beyond any religion.
      The only wickedness here comes from people like u, who insult, demean and victimize people that actually don’t hurt anyone (don’t start with pedophiles again, i repeat). U r the one whose malevolence and evilness blocks u from see the truth. All the medical and psychological associations agree there is nothing wrong with homosexuality, and even “ex-gay therapists” have apologised for the harm they caused.

      The interpretation that Sodom & Gommorah were destroyed because of homosexuality was given 1700 years after that destruction (during the Dark Ages). The bible actually says directly that the SINS of Sodom & Gommorah were inhospitality, arrogance, greed, idolatry and gluttony. Homosexual behaviour is nowhere mentioned in the story. To even suggest that the cities were entirely populated by homosexuals is absurd. According to the story, sodomites never attacked the angels as many believe they did, because when the raging crowd broke into Lot’s house to attack his visitors, the angels blinded them. Even if they wanted to rape them, this has nothing to do with consenting relationships. Nevertheless, the crowd, according to the story, never implied the need to have any sexual connection with the visitors. The crowd was outraged because they hated foreigners (many times in the bible, Sodom & Gommorah were mentioned and condemned for being extremely inhospitable) and Lot knew that, yet he allowed the angels to get into his house.

      Your comments indicate that there is no point trying to have rational convesation or debate with u. Even simple logic fails to reach u. You r so depraved by this falsy and hateful religious propaganda, that you are hellbent to spend the rest of your petty life spreading lies, hate, and homophobia. My pleasure is that soon u will have to answer to god for being so evil and hatefull. There is no excuse for being so malevolent, therefore u will be damned and punished for all the harm u caused. U r evil and that’s something i cannot change. Therefore i should just stop wasting my time with u. U r part of an anachronistic generation heading to extinction. The majority of educated people (certainly not like u) is moving to the right direction, and homosexuality is being more widely accepted around the world little by little. Nothing you say, is gonna change that as there is no single truth in your words and depraved teachings.

    • truthsay3r Says:

      YOU WROTE: “It clearly doesn’t matter what kind of evidence is presented here… you’ll defend this extreme human depravity… to the most absurd… extent your depraved minds can achieve.”

      Simply not true. I’ve consistently provided highly specific responses to your claims. It’s not as if I just put my fingers in my ears and go “lalalalala”… I’ve refuted your claims and you are free to find weaknesses in my refutations and/or make new arguments.

      YOU WROTE: “shut down the TRUTH by all necessary means so that others caught up in this tragic bondage may not escape”

      As I’ve demonstrated, “escape” as you put it doesn’t seem to be possible or is extraordinarily rare if it can occur. I cite and quote peer-reviewed studies… this isn’t shutting down truth, this is elucidating it. Your use of anecdotal evidenced and ridiculously biased and unscientific sources are simply misinformation, not “truth”. I agree that many Kenyans may benefit from hearing the facts.

      YOU WROTE: “the full-scale defence of a behaviour our Creator God, Lord Almighty declared an abomination thousands of years ago”

      Please prove the existence and nature of your deity or abandon this unevidenced assertion. Leviticus is the only place the biblical deity is alleged to refer to anything to do with homosexuality as an “abomination”. In Lev 11:11 it declares that eating shellfish is an abomination… which just goes to show how absurd such a system of “morality” is. Whether or not Lev 11:11 still applies today is 100% irrelevant to this point btw.

      Other Levitical verses are even more enlightening, such as Leviticus 20:9: “Anyone who curses their father or mother is to be put to death”. Exodus 21:17 repeats this.
      Leviticus 25:44&46: “Your male and female slaves are to come from the nations around you”…”and they will become your property. 46 You can bequeath them to your children as inherited property and can make them slaves for life”.

      YOU WROTE: “its become a malevolent force within your souls that is hellbent on fighting the truth”.

      Alternatively, I might just not like malicious lies spread about people which lead to their ostracisation, humiliation, intimidation, murder, torture and rape across much of the planet. Again, what part of me providing specific counter-arguments to your claims equates to “fighting the truth”?

      YOU WROTE: “I’ll not descend to the same level the homosexual supporting websites and organisations such as Google normally do”

      I just googled your blogg… it was the first link there.

      YOU WROTE: “how far you are willing to defend the worst form of immorality known to mankind”

      What rational reason do you have to label homosexuality immoral?

      YOU WROTE: “I’ve now done my duty”

      Your duty is to subject any statements you make about a whole group of people, which could lead to or exacerbate their victimisation, to the greatest level of scrutiny. You haven’t addressed a single one of my counter-arguments so far so it seems you haven’t even begun to fulfil this duty.

  32. savechildren Says:

    Very well spoken Blake,

    I do not give a care about adult predatory homosexuals. They are the scum of the earth and an extreme danger to the children of
    the World. I hear so many people say love the sinner hate the sin.
    But THE CREATOR killed sodomites from the beginning. And
    Scripture says he changes Not. And THE CREATOR does hate
    it says so in the first chapter of the book of Malachi. And living in the US i see why THE CREATOR said either kill the sodomites or remove them from the land. Because they spread their sickness among children and poison future generations into their wicked deviant death style. THE CREATOR didn’t compromise with
    sodomites he eliminated with swiftly and with extreme prejudiced
    And I see why now.

    Below I will link to another story from the is ongoing pervert files. These two “married” sodomites adopted nine boys This incident happened in 2011, Two of boys are accusing them of molestation. At first I heard it was five of the boys. In reality it could have been all them. Or the sodomites didn’t have time to get to them all. They have no remorse for what they’ve done. Because in the US Pederasty and pedophilia are becoming accepted. The first step to homosexuals getting children is homosexual “marriage”. Then they can say oh if you don’t give us the children it’s discrimination. I know you know the agenda inside and out so please excuse if this is information you already wrote about.

    “The case of a same-sex Connecticut couple accused of repeatedly raping and abusing two of their nine adopted boys is headed for trial.

    Married couple George Harasz and Douglas Wirth of Glastonbury were supposed to be sentenced Friday in Hartford Superior Court under a plea deal, but instead withdrew from their agreement with prosecutors. The men had already pleaded no contest in January to one felony count each of risk of injury to a minor — a reduction from even more serious charges related to sexual assault.”

    Read More:

    Here is the link from the story:

    Thank you for this Blog Blake, there aren’t many websites that you find the truth about homosexuality and can speak without being censored. And that includes the Christian websites.

    • truthsay3r Says:

      YOU WROTE: “THE CREATOR killed sodomites from the beginning. And Scripture says he changes Not.”

      The “creator” killed babies from the beginning.
      1 Samuel 15:3
      “Now go, attack the Amalekites and totally destroy all that belongs to them. Do not spare them; put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys.”

      Numbers 31:17-18
      “Now kill all the boys. And kill every woman who has slept with a man, but save for yourselves every girl who has never slept with a man.”

      YOU WROTE: “They have no remorse for what they’ve done.”

      Still don’t know what anecdotal evidence is? Perhaps they have no remorse because they’re innocent… and they haven’t even been found guilty yet btw. I’m sure you’d be a good juror.

      YOU WROTE: “Because in the US Pederasty and pedophilia are becoming accepted.”

      Which is why the age of consent laws are on average higher in the U.S. than much of the rest of the developed world…

      Anyway… look up “anecdotal evidence”… educate yourself.

  33. savechildren Says:

    You homosexuals have developed a whole set of new words and, definitions for words. You have to twist logic like a pretzel to support your depraved existence. I don’t have to source everything people can Google the information. Or simply look in the mirror and see we were either all born female or male. Some of those males and females engage in homosexual BEHAVIOR. Which means they have unnatural and perverted sex with the same gender. They won’t produce anything from those degenerate acts except pleasure for the participants and possibly disease.
    Homosexuals do MOLEST and RAPE children. You’ve seen homosexuals say these things in their own words. But you want to convince someone that these people are heterosexual.

    I am a mother when my children were old enough to be potty trained because I didn’t want to deal with their feces I potty trained them. Only a homosexual or other pervert will get any pleasure from feces or fecal matter. No normal man would ever put his mouth on the penis of another male, no matter how young. Those are acts that only sodomites and closeted sodomites do.
    I am a woman. I know how unclean our menstrual cycles can be. I would never put my mouth on another woman in that place. Only a
    perverted lesbian would do that.

    Jerry Sandusky was sodomite he was caught sodomizing a 10 year old boy in the shower. He should have had his penis ripped off and fed to him. All his victims were boys. He even adopted an molested a boy. But you reprobate, degenerate homosexuals are going try to convince someone that that freak, pedophile, pederast sick monster was a heterosexual male. The only people normal heterosexual males have sexual relationships with is women of the appropriate age. All others are perverts which includes, pedophiles, pederast, homosexuals, zoophiles those who engage in incest…etc. Homosexuality is a sex act not a new species.

    All your sources are compromised. I know how the APA came to drop homosexuality as a mental illness and a sexual perversion from the Diagnostic Manual of Mental Disorders in 1972 It was a political decision not a scientific one. Homosexuals had infiltrated the organization they used intimidation and bribery. The homosexual lobby also have deep pockets and there are those who will sell their soul for a few pennies. Like the corrupt judges and legislators in the US forcing homosexual “marriage” on the States.

    I’ll leave this link to show the extreme depravity involved in the homosexual lifestyle. And why children should NEVER be exposed to it. I warn you do not have any children around when you open this link. You also may not want to view it right before or right after you eat. These images are so extreme I didn’t even view the whole Site.

    “The report you are about to view of the 2008 “Up Your Alley” Fair in San Francisco contains newsworthy images of people engaged in extreme sexual behavior in public. Although these images are not intended to be pornographic, some people might regard them as such. Because of this, only adults age 18 or over may view the images on the following page. By clicking on the button below, you agree that:”

    • truthsay3r Says:

      YOU WROTE: “Or simply look in the mirror and see we were either all born female or male.”

      Following that, you could learn that sexual orientation doesn’t = biological gender… helps if you actually know the very rudimentary facts about the topic you’re discussing.

      YOU WROTE: “Which means they have unnatural and perverted sex with the same gender.”

      Medical care is unnatural, “perverted” is a virtually meaningless word with unjustified negative connotations. Prove me wrong. What is the relevance of these terms?

      YOU WROTE: “Homosexuals do MOLEST and RAPE children.”

      As do heterosexuals. What is your point?

      YOU WROTE: “You’ve seen homosexuals say these things in their own words. But you want to convince someone that these people are heterosexual.”

      Nope, your overly simplistic mind is incapable of seeing anything but black and white. SOME who molest boys are heterosexual in their adult attraction. It isn’t a case of me convincing people so much as simply making them aware of the research findings.

      YOU WROTE: “Only a homosexual or other pervert will get any pleasure from feces or fecal matter. ”

      More ignorant stupidity. You really don’t have a clue what you’re talking about. Homosexuals do not find faeces remotely sexually exciting. Your “approach” here is simply to make up bare faced lies.

      YOU WROTE: “No normal man would ever put his mouth on the penis of another male”

      No normal man will ever win a nobel prize or an olympic gold medal. What is the relevance of normality? Surely we must have already been over this nonsensical semantic stupidity… either address this point or stop using meaningless words to create the self-delusion that you’re making relevant points. This is how a rational debate with intellectually honest people works.

      YOU WROTE: “Only a perverted lesbian would do that.”

      Utter nonsense. CDC’s National Survey of Family Growth: “Percent of males and females 15-44 years of age in 2006-2010 who had ever had oral sex with an opposite-sex partner: Males: 81.7% Females: 80.4%”.

      YOU WROTE: “degenerate homosexuals are going try to convince someone that that freak, pedophile, pederast sick monster was a heterosexual male.”

      Don’t know, don’t care, though the fact he had a wife is strongly indicative. He is in jail… I.E. the INDIVIDUAL responsible for the crimes has been caught. No other individuals are relevant unless they were directly involved. All homosexuals are no more relevant than all men or all humans are.

      YOU WROTE: “Homosexuality is a sex act”

      Incorrect. A celibate heterosexual is still a heterosexual, just as a celibate homosexual is still a homosexual. Sexual orientations are characterised by persistent, involuntary romantic and/or sexual attractions, NOT by actions.

      YOU WROTE: “I know how the APA came to drop homosexuality as a mental illness… It was a political decision not a scientific one.”

      Then prove it, don’t just state it. You see this is the difference between people like me and people like you in debates. I make rational points and substantiate those that require it. You on the other hand merely make unsubstantiated assertions and logical fallacies.

      YOU WROTE: “I’ll leave this link to show the extreme depravity involved in the homosexual lifestyle.”

      There is no “lifestyle”… LGBT people aren’t monolithic. A link showing pictures of a BDSM fair as if it = “the homosexual lifestyle” is absurdly disingenuous. I suppose the women in it are representative of the “heterosexual lifestyle”? Just like the heterosexuals on this Mardi Gras fair are…
      Warning, contains explicit footage of the “heterosexual lifestyle”:

  34. savechildren Says:

    You don’t know if those women in the video are lesbians or not. All a lesbian is is a woman who engages in perverted sex with another
    woman. And the Mardi Gras has people who practice every type of sexual perversion under the Sun. Of course it’s packed with sexually degenerate homosexuals.

    “Following that, you could learn that sexual orientation doesn’t = biological gender… helps if you actually know the very rudimentary facts about the topic you’re discussing.”

    Sexual orientation is a sex act or acts. There are those who’ve left the homosexual lifestyle. And those who will try it either from being brainwashed by propaganda, molested, or adopted and raised in a homosexual environment. Homosexuals don’t reproduce together.
    There is no reason for children to be exposed to their perverted
    sex when they can’t even produce children. THE CREATOR denies
    homosexuals children. Prove that HE didn’t? You can’t.

    Blake answered you best with his last post when he wrote
    U said: “It clearly doesn’t matter what kind of evidence is presented here to demonstrate the destructive but truthful nature of homosexuality…you’ll defend this extreme human depravity and abomination to the most absurd, most illogical, most incoherent and most bizarre extent your depraved minds can achieve. ”

    Oh and just for the record I used to follow Kenyansagainstgays when it was on Blogger.the homosexuals had it shut down because the truth was killing them. If it wasn’t true why would they try to shut it down?. Because homosexuality can’t even stand up to one simple fact and that fact is it takes a man and a woman to reproduce life and continue the species. Sodomy is a evil, wicked,spirit that will only destroy Society. It destroyed Sodom, and the surrounding cities, it destroyed Rome and it destroyed Greece. A recent example of the destructive force of Sodomy can be found with Wiemar Republic in Germany before
    Hitler came to power. It was a filthy sexually degenerate Society.
    Which included, homosexuality, zoophilia, widespread and prostitution and child sex exploitation. Kind of like America and those societies that accept and promote perversion Today.

    • truthsay3r Says:

      YOU WROTE: “You don’t know if those women in the video are lesbians or not.”

      Ridiculous. Mardi Gras is a festival attended by the general population, of which lesbians are only a small part. It is quite obvious that many if not all of the women in the video I shared are interested in men from their interactions with men, including their apparent accompaniment by husbands/ boyfriends. Enjoy the definitive representation of the “heterosexual lifestyle”.

      YOU WROTE: “Sexual orientation is a sex act or acts.”

      We ascribe sexual orientations to those who are yet to have any sexual experiences, those who’s sexual acts we are ignorant of and those who we know to be celibate. Involuntary attractions are therefore both necessary and sufficient to assign sexual orientation, while voluntary actions are neither necessary, nor sufficient to do so.
      Do you deny that a man who prostitutes himself to other men but is exclusively attracted to women is heterosexual?

      American Psychological Association:
      “Sexual orientation refers to an enduring pattern of emotional, romantic, and/or sexual attractions to men, women, or both sexes.”

      YOU WROTE: “There are those who’ve left the homosexual lifestyle.”

      There are celibate homosexuals, just as there are celibate heterosexuals. We don’t refer to celibate heterosexuals as having “left the heterosexual lifestyle” or as no longer being heterosexual.because to do so would be an inaccurate and foolish statement, just as it is when referring to homosexuals. The whole concept of “leaving the lifestyle” is nothing more than the invention of right wing propagandists who wish to delude themselves and others in to thinking that homosexual celibacy = orientation change.

      YOU WROTE: “those who will try it either from being brainwashed by propaganda, molested, or adopted and raised in a homosexual environment.”

      Start evidencing your points for once… all you do is talk nonsense (lies), without ever substantiating your claims. There is no rational argument in the above quote. It is a purely empirical assertion… which therefore requires empirical evidence. If you can’t evidence it… don’t make up lies.

      YOU WROTE: “Homosexuals don’t reproduce together.”

      Incorrect as well as irrelevant.

      YOU WROTE: “THE CREATOR denies homosexuals children. Prove that HE didn’t? You can’t.”

      You clearly don’t understand how rational argumentation works… you have the burden of proof to demonstrate the existence of this “creator”. You will fail miserably like all theists before you, or more likely simply avoid addressing the point. Prove that the invisible, incorporeal, inaudible, transcendent giant gummy bear didn’t deny post-menopausal women children. You can’t, which is just as relevant and rational as your challenge to me (not at all).

      YOU WROTE: “It clearly doesn’t matter what kind of evidence is presented here to demonstrate the destructive but truthful nature of homosexuality”.

      As I said in response to that… I’ve consistently addressed all arguments advanced… Blake hasn’t even tried to contest my refutations so far. The response you quote amounts to “you’re wrong cos I said so”. Why is it that I can and do address arguments directly yet neither of you seem capable of it?

      YOU WROTE: “If it wasn’t true why would they try to shut it down?”

      Gee, I don’t know… perhaps because they didn’t like lies and misinformation being promulgated about them to a world full of people such as yourself who are incapable of critical thinking and only too eager to let confirmation bias provide illusory “confirmation” of your religiously-motivated prejudices. “Confirmation bias” is something you should familiarise yourself with btw, rather than simply being an unusual phrasing of mine.

      YOU WROTE: “that fact is it takes a man and a woman to reproduce life and continue the species.”

      It takes male and female gametes far more so than a man and a women but sure it does. There is me “standing up” to this fact. Now why is it remotely relevant? This is where your mental disconnect will kick in btw and you’ll fail to form a coherent argument for its relevance but still maintain that it is somehow magically relevant.

      YOU WROTE: “Sodomy is a evil, wicked,spirit that will only destroy Society.”

      Why would that be relevant to homosexuality?
      D. T. Haplerin, 1999, AIDS Patient Care STDS, 13(12), 717-730:
      “In terms of absolute numbers, approximately seven times more women than homosexual men engage in unprotected receptive anal intercourse.”

      Bruce Voeller, 1991, Archives of Sexual Behavior, 20(3), 233-276:
      “Considerably more heterosexuals engage in the act than do homosexual and bisexual men, not all of whom participate in anal coitus.”

      In a U.S. study, 50% of men who had had a same-sex partner since age 18 had never had anal sex (Laumann et al. 1994, “The Social Organization of Sexuality” table 8.6, p318).

      The American Anthropological Association:
      “The results of more than a century of anthropological research on households, kinship relationships, and families, across cultures and through time, provide no support whatsoever for the view that either civilization or viable social orders depend upon marriage as an exclusively heterosexual institution. Rather, anthropological research supports the conclusion that a vast array of family types, including families built upon same-sex partnerships, can contribute to stable and humane societies.”

      I bet you can’t even define “spirit” in a remotely meaningful way.

      YOU WROTE: “It destroyed Sodom, and the surrounding cities, it destroyed Rome and it destroyed Greece.”

      Your deity is alleged to have committed mass murder at Sodom… that’s what caused the destruction. Thankfully there is no good reason to believe it is true and even following the biblical account, neither homosexuality, nor anal sex are indicated as the “sins” for which Sodom was destroyed.

  35. Blake Says:


    You said: “The bible actually says directly that the SINS of Sodom & Gommorah were inhospitality, arrogance, greed, idolatry and gluttony. Homosexual behaviour is nowhere mentioned in the story.”

    This kind of unabashed, shameless lying is so typical of homosexuality. Perhaps in your depraved mind you imagine that most readers will not bother to check up on your lies and will just take what you write at face value?

    From Genesis 19: 4-7

    4…Before they lay down, the men of the city, the men of Sodom, surrounded the house, both young and old, all the people from every quarter; 5…and they called to Lot and said to him, “Where are the men who came to you tonight? Bring them out to us that we may have relations with them.” 6…But Lot went out to them at the doorway, and shut the door behind him, 7…and said, “Please, my brothers, do not act wickedly.”

    The text is so clear that the wicked men of Sodom were under some rampant uncontrolled homosexual lust for the two angels. Lot even tried telling them what they were asking was wicked but to no avail. He even offered his virgin daughters for sex but they refused!
    Obviously, these men were all practicing homosexuals.

    How can anyone in their right minds twist the story around and reduce the wickedness to mere “inhospitality”? Even Satan has failed to go around the text in all these years to come up with a more creative LIE.

    The rest of the Bible unequivocally and consistently depicts homosexuality as an abomination that led to the destruction of Sodom & Gommorah.

    The Apostle Paul writing in the book of Romans chapter 1 makes it very clear what happens to nations when they reject the clear evidence of their CREATOR GOD…they burn in unnatural passions, men for other men and women for other women.

    Any Jew today if asked the most wicked cities in the history of humanity will point to Sodom & Gomorrah without hesitation. And the reason for their complete destruction through fire and brimstone is HOMOSEXUALITY.

    “Inhospitality” my foot!

    I could really laugh at this absurdity if this subject wasn’t so tragic.

    • CommonSense Says:

      “Where are the men who came to you tonight? Bring them out to us that we may have relations with them.”
      – It’s a matter of interpretation which in your ignorance has been set straight. U have to understand that the Bible was originally written in hebrew. In the above verse the hebrew word for the verb “have relations” (as u stated it) occurs 943 times in the old testament. Of them only 10 have sexual meaning, whereas the rest mean simply “to know”.
      Even if the crowd had the intention to rape the visitors (we will never know as the crowd didn’t have the chance even to touch them), this is merely relevant to the rape being either heterosexual or homosexual. Rape is rape and gang rape is wicked whether gay or straight.

      “Obviously, these men were all practicing homosexuals.”
      -I have a few questions on that absurd argument:
      1)If they were, how would they be reproducing?
      2)How is it possible that the cities were entirely consisted of homosexuals when homosexuals are a minority?
      3)Why would God destroy the cities and so many people if there were women and children too (whereas not mentioned, they should also exist and have nothing to do with raping the angels)?
      4)How is it possible that Lot was the only heterosexual man living in a city fully populated by homosexuals? If he knew they were homo, why he offered his daughters? Is there any chance that he tried to placate the inhospitable crowd for tolerating the fact that he offered shelter to 3 foreigners in their city?
      5)Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed for having no righteous people living there. What about women and children then?
      6)If homosexuality was the sin, why isn’t homosexuality never mentioned in the lists of Sodom, or in a total of 48 verses of references on the sins of Sodom?

      Sodom wasn’t a very nice place to live. It was in the middle of the desert. There were tar pits, (Gen. 14:10) wild animals, wild people, kings fighting, etc. So staying outside at night in these parts could easily mean death. Also, at this time in history, the cardinal rule was to offer hospitality to any traveler or stranger who came to your door. This rule was so strict that you could not harm even an enemy who had been offered shelter for the night. When you took someone in, you were pledging yourself to protect them, no matter who was chasing after them, even if you had to fight for them. The whole system worked because of one simple principle — the person you save today might be the person who saves you tomorrow.

      But that’s not the greeting these 3 strangers get. No one takes them in, no one extends hospitality or mercy, no kindness is offered to these strangers by the people of Sodom; only the foreigner, Lot, takes them in. Next thing we know, we have an angry, suspicious mob banging on Lot’s door, and that’s when we come to the infamous verses in Genesis 19:4-5.

      The sin of Sodom, according to Jesus, was inhospitality to God’s messengers. In a nutshell, Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed because the people had become terribly evil and had totally turned away from God. They had forsaken Him completely. They surrendered themselves to inhospitality, arrogance, greed, idolatry and gluttony.

    • CommonSense Says:

      “How can anyone in their right minds twist the story around and reduce the wickedness to mere “inhospitality”? ”
      -As i mentioned above, it wasn’t mere inhospitalility, otherwise the crowd wouldn’t had gathered outside the house to lynch Lot’s guests. But it’s so easy for u to twist the truth equating gang rape (IF that was the case) with mutually respectful male-male sexual relationships between adults, ignoring the true motive of the crowd’s act, which was hatred, not lust.

      “The rest of the Bible unequivocally and consistently depicts homosexuality as an abomination that led to the destruction of Sodom & Gommorah.”
      -That’s simply a big fat lie.

      “The Apostle Paul writing in the book of Romans chapter 1 makes it very clear what happens to nations when they reject the clear evidence of their CREATOR GOD…they burn in unnatural passions, men for other men and women for other women. ”
      -That chapter doesn’t condemn homosexuality either. Just to be clear, it doesn’t matter even if it did. Apostle was a jew, former christians persecutor who never heard or saw Jesus. Actually that chapter doesn’t condemn homosexuality as a crime against “natural law”. During those years the concept of “natural law” didn’t exist, but it was made many centuries later.According to Paul, the homosexual acts of the idolaters were discussed as strange and overmuch, as a result of their inability to love and worship the real God and not His creature. There’s nothing condemning about homosexuality per se. The problem here is shrine prostitution and idolatry expressed with sexual paganistic rituals.

      “Homosexuality” my foot! You guys are a really bad joke.

    • CommonSense Says:

      Since u are a fan of Apostle Paul, let me inform u that according to him, the right thing for a man is to NEVER touch a woman. He accepts though the morally inferior solution of monogamy to fight prostitution. He also demands that the widows remain celibate (as their husbands), but again grants marriage even to them due to their erotic desires. Summarily, marriage is presented by him as a necessary evil to restrain rampant sexuality. Sex before marriage of course is also banned.
      That’s the kind of sources you use and the kind of morallity u get when u want to prettify your war against same sex relationships. On the other hand, when it comes to homosexuals, you choose carefully all the pedophiles to represent and make a point for the majority of homosexuals, confusing attraction to same sex with atraction to minors and blaming the one for the other and not each one for itself. And that is because u know that u can’t accuse a gay man for being attracted to another gay man, but u can accuse him for being attracted to a male child. Different cases, yet your hatred is the same for both of them.
      This is your only way to substantiate your hate of homosexuality. Obviously u cannot condemn homosexuals for being homosexuals, so u accuse them of being pedophiles. Very rational!


  36. Blake Says:


    Thanks for pointing out what happened to my previous blog at Google Blogger… was shut down in early 2009 because homosexuals couldn’t stand the truth.

    Here’s some more truth (video), from a practicing homosexual more honest than most, warning parents never to trust their children near any homosexual men. “I would not let my teenage sons around gay men!” (says a “gay” man).”

    In this video, Hampton explains that pederasty–older men pursuing sex with underage boys–is some thing he has seen a lot of in his life as a homosexual. Here is his own description of the video, published February 8, 2014.

    “Based upon my life experiences ..if I had Teenage sons I would NOT allow them around GAY MEN!..because over the years I have seen many GAY MEN pursue TEENAGE BOYS (ages 14-17) for SEX. and I have seen this VERY OFTEN.”

    • truthsay3r Says:

      In the video he makes the same statement about letting his teenage daughters be around heterosexual men…
      Even if he hadn’t… his experiences are inherently anecdotal evidence.

  37. savechildren Says:

    YOU WROTE: “Homosexuals don’t reproduce together.”
    YOU WROTE: “Incorrect as well as irrelevant.”

    Are you serious when did two homosexuals Ever in life reproduce together?

    Women are seven times more likely to engage in anal sex? You’re sick, then you give more pro-homosexual sources. Women do not have to engage in anal sex they have a Vagina. And there is no way to even prove that asinine statement.

    The Mardi Gras is attended by a small amount of lesbians. Really? and how do you know that. Mardi Gras is attended by a large number of homosexuals and anyone who engages in mindless
    decadence and all types of sexual perversion which includes homosexuality.

    Uganda just asked the US to prove people are born homosexual. Obama won’t take up the challenge because there is no proof. There are only probably, and could be, or may cause. Yet nothing definitive. Money has been wasted to create fake proof that homosexuality is a normal and natural variation of sexuality.

    There are people who USED to engage in the perversion of
    homosexuality that no longer do. Of course there is no such thing as an ex-heterosexual that doesn’t even compute and is a stupid
    analogy just like homosexual “marriage” is a stupid analogy to
    Real marriage. Homosexuals can Never reproduce from their
    perverted and deviant sex acts. I can’t wait for you to show me the proof of two men, or two women who have reproduced a child

    • truthsay3r Says:

      YOU WROTE: “Are you serious when did two homosexuals Ever in life reproduce together?”

      Did you miss the 2 minute video directly below where I said “Incorrect as well as irrelevant”… ?

      YOU WROTE: “then you give more pro-homosexual sources.”

      I quoted 2 peer-reviewed scientific studies… these aren’t “pro-homosexual sources”. Presumably the CDC is a “pro-homosexual source” too and of course empirical claims can be substantiated… perhaps your failure to realise this explains why you never evidence yours.

      CDC’s National Survey of Family Growth:
      “Percent of males and females 25-44 years of age who have ever had anal sex with an opposite sex partner, 2002: Males: 40.0% Females: 34.7%”

      YOU WROTE: “Mardi Gras is attended by a large number of homosexuals and anyone who engages in mindless

      More vapid distractioneering… the point was that your extrapolation from individuals at a BDSM or gay pride parade to claims about a “homosexual lifestyle” is as absurd as anybody else doing the same with heteros attending Mardi Gras.

      YOU WROTE: “Uganda just asked the US to prove people are born homosexual.”

      Why would it be relevant?

      YOU WROTE: “fake proof that homosexuality is a normal and natural variation of sexuality.”

      Normality and naturalness are entirely irrelevant to morality or what is good/bad. Medical care is unnatural. Pathogens are natural. Abnormally kind, intelligent or athletic people are abnormal. Prove me wrong or stfu and stop making points which I’ve already refuted.

      YOU WROTE: “There are people who USED to engage in the perversion of homosexuality that no longer do.”

      I’ve already demonstrated that homosexuality isn’t something that is “engaged in”. You haven’t addressed my points.

      YOU WROTE: “Homosexuals can Never reproduce from their
      perverted and deviant sex acts.”

      They don’t have their own repertoire lol. Heteros do everything homos do, as I’ve demonstrated. Hint: Neither are trying to reproduce when having non-procreative forms of sex. Why is it relevant?

  38. savechildren Says:

    @Blake, You’re welcome. You provided excellent information back then and you still do. I know the risk you take for standing up and
    telling the Truth. And It’s appreciated. Living in the US they would have you thinking the whole World has all morals and jumped
    on the homosexual bandwagon.

    The mainstream news media is completely biased towards homosexuality in the US. America has allowed them to “marry”. Once they get “marriage” then they go for the children. Through education in public school system and even more horrible adoption.
    The public school system is filled with poor and so called minority children. Therefore you have working parents, or single parents. They are below the poverty line so they’re easy prey and easily
    intimidated. Because they have no resources or power. Which making them easier to exploit. America also makes children available for adoption to homosexuals through for the Corrupt so called Child Protective Services. And they can take children for no reason at all. Just make up something and take your children. It’s corruption to the core. America at this point is worse than Sodom &

    I’m proud of Uganda, Nigeria, Jamaica, Haiti, Russia and all the Nations that have stood against the Sick homosexual agenda.
    All those Nations are under threat from the West and the European Nations who are pushing this wickedness. The West and Europeans are going to loose this War. THE CREATOR is going to take of them.

    I don’t know if you know about this Site. But they have some good information too. Especially about the homosexual agenda’s plans
    for children. It just gets sicker and sicker.

  39. cat beds Says:

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    I’ll bookmark your weblog and take a look at
    again right here frequently. I am moderately sure I’ll
    be told plenty of new stuff proper here! Best of luck
    for the next!

  40. MeetKenyans Nairobi Says:

    • CommonSense Says:

      According to International Labour Organization, WOMEN & GIRLS make up 98% of VICTIMS of trafficking for sexual exploitation WORLDWIDE.

      Isis claims that the taking of females as sex slaves is allowed by the Koran. They say anyone who criticises them for this is insulting islam as well as the false prophet Muhammad.


  41. Pamela Says:

    dr kola kolawole, male psychiatrist from Hamilton Ontario had been convicted of second degree felony, forcible sexual abuse, and third degree felony forcible sodomy molestation of three juvenile patients at the ontario facility where he worked and sexual assault of a highschool girl in a park. He destroyed my daughters life, Merry Christmas

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